New Year

Stop Waiting, Start Doing

Ryan, Founder of Everyday Nudist enjoying the snow at his Eastern Washington home.

Happy New Year friends from a chilly and snowy Pacific Northwest, I hope all of you had a great holiday season!

With the New Year comes all the new year, new me social media posts. While I enjoy seeing them, the unfortunate statics of new years resolutions are pretty low. According to UAB Medicine only 8% of people of people will stick to their resolutions for the entire year. To read some great tips on how you can increase your chances of success take a few moments to read their article here.


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Everyday Nudist Update

Good day my friends I hope this blog finds you doing well.

It has been sometime since I have posted a blog so I thought I would give you all a quick update to let you know I am still alive and kicking.


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Power of Music for Your Mental Health

Music and Nudism are Two Powerful Ways to Increase Your Mental Health

Ryan, nudist from Spokane just doing what he does best.

Power of Music for Your Mental Health

Do you ever find yourself in a bad mood, or maybe sitting around waiting for the motivation to get up and do something productive? Maybe like me, you suffer from depression or anxiety and find some days are harder than others to get moving…or keep moving.  


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America’s Got Talent Nightbirde

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”- Nightbirde

America’s Got Talent Nightbirde performance will have you question your life in just one simple statement.

A while back on America’s Got Talent there was a young lady that took the stage to sing an original song called “it’s OK” and in just two minutes she took the internet by storm.

You see it isn’t that Nightbirde, her real name Jane Marczewski, isn’t just a good singer she is also fighting cancer. Prior to singing Howie Mandel asked her what she does for a living in which she responded that in the last 2 years she hasn’t worked as she has been battling cancer. After the awkward “o sorry to hear” from Howie, Simon Cowell asked her how she is doing now. Nighbirde responded by saying that “last time I check I had some cancer in my lungs and my spine and my liver”.


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Go Be You and Only You

You only get one life to live so live it on your terms.

Go be you!

It is all too often that I see people try to control other peoples lives. It is even more so with the all of the social media platforms that keep popping up.

Trolls. They are fucking everywhere.

Some of them you know, some you have never met.

But they all have one thing in common. They like to make comments that make you doubt yourself, or say things that are downright disrespectful.

It is a shame.

These people stop others from living the lives they want to live because subconsciously we want to impress people. Or worse, we don’t live our true lives because we don’t want people to talk shit about us.


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How Do I Start Being a Nudist?

Quick “start being a nudist” guide to help kickstart your new clothes free journey

How Do I Start Being a Nudist?

When I have conversations with non-nudist I often get a response like “sounds cool but I don’t want people to see my body”, “I am xx (old, over weight, stretch marks…) no one wants to see me” or “I could never go in front of people naked” all the way down to “I don’t even know where to start”.

These are common and have heard them for 20+ years, so if you are curious about it and have said something like this you aren’t alone.  


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Struggling with Your Mental Health?

Is it Time for you to Cowboy Up and to put your sh*tkickers on and go to work

Ryan. a nudist and owner/blogger from hanging out in Spokane WA.

Struggling with Your Mental Health?

Is depression or anxiety (or any other mental health diagnosis) whipping your ass day-in-day-out and you can’t find the motivation you used to have to be productive? Feel like sleeping all day, or not even getting out of bed?

That is okay you aren’t alone. There are millions of people just like you. Some better off, some the same, some way worse. I don’t know your situation, or the entire surroundings of how you feel, but can tell you that I live with major depression and have for the past 15 years or so. I know your feelings.


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Empathy and Compassion

Two traits that are missing in common society.

Ryan, owner/blogger of

Empathy and Compassion. Two traits that are missing in common society.

Have you ever looked around and wondered what the hell is wrong with our society and people today?

Why is it that people are constantly at each other throats?

Is it because here in America we have been strategically divided into two separate political parties and have been pitted against each other? This is done through the media, our politicians, and from each other.


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Is it Awkward Seeing Your Friends Naked?

Ryan, owner/blogger of sitting on his bed in Spokane Washington.

Seeing your friends naked, why can it be so awkward or “taboo”?

It is because we are friends? Or is it because we are embarrassed to see or be seen naked due to our personal body image? Maybe because seeing our friends naked may be somewhat of a turn on, or we have secretly envisioned what they would look like naked and know we know? What happens if I get turned on masturbate to thought of them naked, does that make a bad person? Will the next time I see them, be awkward because you now know what they look like underneath all those layers of clothes?


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