New Year

Stop Waiting, Start Doing

Ryan, Founder of Everyday Nudist enjoying the snow at his Eastern Washington home.

Happy New Year friends from a chilly and snowy Pacific Northwest, I hope all of you had a great holiday season!

With the New Year comes all the new year, new me social media posts. While I enjoy seeing them, the unfortunate statics of new years resolutions are pretty low. According to UAB Medicine only 8% of people of people will stick to their resolutions for the entire year. To read some great tips on how you can increase your chances of success take a few moments to read their article here.

But my real question I often ask myself is why to people get excited for a new year. Why do they wait for a new year to get things started, or give up so easily once they fail at a goal?

What is the difference between April 28th-29th and December 31-Jan 1. Nothing outside of it being a “new year”. To be honest, we should look at it as a “new day”, and each new day allows us to start, or continue a goal, action, or behavior. It allows us to dream and envision a life we want to live and then work to get it.

So don’t fall into the trap of getting burnt out in January or February sprinting towards your resolutions or years goals. It is a marathon and each day the sound of the starter pistol will go back off and you will start again. Don’t worry if you faulter, you should expect it. Don’t give up and say “well there is always next year”. No. There is always today, and maybe if we are lucky there is a tomorrow…as tomorrow is never guaranteed.

I would ask you to consider what areas of your life are you always saying, “well there is always next year/next month/next week” and what can you do today to take the first step in jumpstarting the actions that you want to take? If you find yourself wanting to change, or do something, but always asking permission from others…read this blog where I address that very issue.

It is time to change our mentality, wake up in the morning and take action!

I am wishing you all a great and joyous new year.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. rcspiritbear

    Happy New Year bare bear hugs! Thanks for another wonderful post. I had come across a little something earlier that suggested to replace the term ‘resolution’ with the term of ‘goal’. Combining that with your insight would be each day is an opportunity to work for or obtain our goal.

  2. Marc

    Happy New Year Ryan. You’re spot on! What makes the new year special is the vibe that society creates around it. In terms of resolutions or goal, I always look at them on quarterly basis, hence April is as important as January, and I do my best to do quarterly achievable goals so I can track and see progress faster. I actually wrote a post that explains this: It’s the method I’ve been using for years now and it gives great results, at least for me. Stay safe and bare!

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