Stop Asking Permission: Live Life on Your Terms

Time to quit asking permission and start doing what you want.

Live life on your terms.

Do you ever find yourself wanting to do something or trying something out, however, you begin to think to yourself “what would xx think about it”? XX could be a friend, family member, general population or whomever comes to your mind.  

This simple thought process stops more people in their tracks because they don’t want to have others think negatively about them or their image. This also stops people from trying out new things or living a lifestyle they want to live.

The mental fight we have starts when someone says, “well I would never do that”. Of course, they wouldn’t do it in their life. Hell, I am sure they are doing things you would never do, however, they are still doing it. But what does their opinion really matter in the course your life, wants, and desires. Hint, answer should be little to none.

You know how many people have told me they could never be a nudist? How many people have questioned me about it? Imagine if I would have said “well sh*t maybe they are right, maybe I shouldn’t do it”. I would have NEVER come to love the lifestyle.

This goes for many areas of my life.

I wouldn’t have quit a high paying govt. job to try my business full time. Nor would I have ever quit drinking and remained an alcoholic. Probably would have never sold my house and moved to a town that I had only visited a few times. Definitely wouldn’t have joined the Marine Corps. There are a ton of things that I wouldn’t have done, had I listened to others and what they “wouldn’t do”.

It all boils down to this. It is your life and no one else. You are responsible for your own happiness. No one can, and will do it for you. If you are leaving it up to others, you will spend a lifetime blaming other people instead of the yourself.

Hell, if you leave your happiness up to most people, the will help sabotage your life so you can be unhappy, miserable, and live a life of full of “wish I could/would” like they do. Realize this, most people are truly unhappy and I think it is because they don’t life they like; they live a life for what other people will like.   

If something isn’t working in your life, YOU must make the change. If there is something you want to try, YOU must make the decision to go and try it.

There will always be nay-sayers and doubters in your life, you can’t avoid them. You will always encounter the “I wouldn’t do that” types that give unsolicited advice and make you question yourself because it is something they don’t like (or do but don’t have the courage to try it). I think this is why so many people are trolls or talk shit about others. One word: jealously.

My question for you to ponder is simple: why the hell do you listen to other people and allow their thoughts to have so much weight on your life?

You will not satisfy 100% of the people, 100% of the time.  But why would you try? I mean f*cking seriously, why?

Friends, family, co-workers, society, online bloggers, social media “influencers”…we all don’t matter in the grand scheme of your life and your decisions. You know why? We all have our own issues to worry about!

You are responsible for you. Live life on your terms.

If you don’t like something about you or your life, it is up to you to change it. However, change isn’t easy for many people. If you are struggling with fear, check out this previous blog on fighting the internal conversations you have in your head.

Maybe you have been wanting to try something out that is new, and it goes against mainstream societies views, it is up to you to try it out and see if you even like it.

Will it be unpopular with some people, probably? Will some people really support you to be happy, of course? But would you rather be happy and satisfied, or living your life trying to make other people happy about you, and you not happy about yourself?

I would encourage you to take just 10 minutes to examine your life, and make a list of the things you have wanted to do but never have because you were afraid of what others may think, or someone made a comment that convinced you otherwise. Nothing is out of bounds on this list, capture them all.

You don’t have to have this all mighty “f*ck everyone I am doing them all right away” mentality but recognize how many areas of your life you are missing out on. Then, when the time is right and you want to try, give it a shot.

Don’t go tell everyone about it. Just the ones that you know truly want you to be happy…like me.

In closing I want to leave you with two of my favorite Dr. Suess quotes (which won’t be cancelled in my world):

  1. “Only you can control your future.”
  2.  “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

You only die once, and you don’t know when that day will be, so please live your life on your terms.

Do you find yourself overthinking things, then paralyze yourself with in-action? This blog from The Muse may lend you some extra tips to think about.

Live free.


Your Everyday Nudist living the Eastern Washington Nudism life