Everyday Nudist Update

Good day my friends I hope this blog finds you doing well.

It has been sometime since I have posted a blog so I thought I would give you all a quick update to let you know I am still alive and kicking.

Since my last blog I graduated with honors with a degree in Applied Developmental Psychology, only taking me 44 years to complete. When I graduated, I decided that I would step away from being on the computer so much, therefore, haven’t been on much to make blog posts. Also, due to the state of the world, in particular the U.S., I have stayed away from reading articles or social media for the betterment of my mental health. Most of you have probably read about my depression and anxiety and when I see the civil unrest and just pure bullshit it gets me fired up, one that I can’t just turn off…so I opt to just go about my life and not read it.

In June I hit 5 years sobriety from alcohol which is a huge accomplishment as I drank hard and out of control for 20 years or more so fighting and winning one craving, one day at a time. If you are struggling with alcoholism, there is a ton of non-alchoholic drinks on the market from beer, hard liquor and wine. Supplement your normal drinking with a day or two of NA drinks, then slowly increase it. Your body doesn’t know the difference and your brain will release the same feel-good chemicals into your body. Give it a shot, trust me you can live without it.

I have spent some time back “home” in the Midwest visiting friends and family. Jess and I spent 3 weeks at home and enjoyed the WEBN firework show in Cincinnati and if you haven’t ever been, put it on your bucket list if you like fireworks!  Also, we attended Notre Dame’s home opener on Sept. 11th, a day that is tough for me as I was on active duty on the rifle range at Camp LeJeune NC when the attacks occurred, but all in all it was an amazing time with beautiful weather. I have been a ND fan since the 5th grade and this was only my second game, the last one was 2 years ago and it was 32 deg and windy so I will take mid 80’s and sunny!

While we were back home we had to put our sweet German Shepherd down. For about a month she had really struggled to walk as her back legs couldn’t hold her up. The vet said it was arthritis and when we took her to the chiropractor he said it was something in her neck. 3 weeks later we said goodbye over a video chat. The other vet thought she may have had a brain tumor which wouldn’t have been detected without a CT scan. I got Athena in 2015 after an old house of mine was broken into. I have always been terrified of Shepherds but figured if they wanted to try again someone was going to lose a chunk of their ass. She was the kindest, gentlest, most protective dog I know and when we are ready I will go back to the rescue and rescue another one.

Currently we are in the process of closing on a home in a rural part, about 30 min north of Spokane. Our original goal in life was to get some land (5-10 acres) and make a mini-farm, however, we found this cute house right off a lake so we will be enjoying fishing, kayaking and paddle boarding with a beautiful view from deck, and bedrooms. To say it is peaceful is an understatement!  Plus, it has a greenhouse already build so we will look to do some year-round gardening and maybe make something out of it to help others…more to come on that.

I have been contemplating starting to write short exotic stories and maybe starting a patreon page. These stories are far from “nudist” and would be a mix of real life events from my or Jess’s life (or others that I know and know the stories are read), and fantasies. If this is something you may be interested in paying a few dollars a month for let me know…don’t worry I won’t judge you most people reading this have a hidden freak side waiting to come out, or is out but you want to protect your rep 😉

I have picked up a ton of new subscribers which I think is amazing and I thank all of you that have reached out via email, said hello, some have sent pictures which I enjoy putting faces to names or messages and don’t worry I won’t share you picture or anything about you unless you ask me to or give me permission.

Lastly, I have started a Twitter page under the same name (http://twitter.com/everydaynudist) and try to jump on there more frequently as it is much faster to post a quick thought then to draft a blog which takes sometime to get done and post. So feel free to follow me there, or mental bookmark me and check there every week or two to get your fix 😊

That is what you have missed and are now caught up to date! Thanks for all your support you all are amazing and keep me driven to write more.


Your everyday nudist in Spokane Washington

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Brad

    I’m a nudist located south of Cheney. I’m suspended on twitter so I can’t follow there.
    I’m on a MeWe group called Nude in Spokane. https://mewe.com/group/5c3214706d90fd1fdfb28431
    Maybe we can meet sometime around Spokane.

  2. rcspiritbear

    Bare bear hugs! Thanks for the update, and please continue to do what you need to do to maintain your mental health. Your new property sounds fantastic. Following you on Twitter now. Keep in touch as you can my friend.

  3. Mike Scott

    Ryan , thanks for the update I don’t blame you sometimes social media can be a bit much so good for you by setting limits an extremely positive move on your part.

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