Go Be You and Only You

You only get one life to live so live it on your terms.

Go be you!

It is all too often that I see people try to control other peoples lives. It is even more so with the all of the social media platforms that keep popping up.

Trolls. They are fucking everywhere.

Some of them you know, some you have never met.

But they all have one thing in common. They like to make comments that make you doubt yourself, or say things that are downright disrespectful.

It is a shame.

These people stop others from living the lives they want to live because subconsciously we want to impress people. Or worse, we don’t live our true lives because we don’t want people to talk shit about us.

It is events like this that keep people from being their true self. They hide in what they fear is shameful in the eyes of the “people”.

Whether your sexuality or being a nudist, we fear that people will spread our lives around in the public and everyone will avoid you like the plague, or in today’s world the COVID.

Several years ago, I really quit caring what people think of me. Not like I say “I don’t care” but then worry secretly what people are talking or thinking about…I really don’t fucking care.


It isn’t because I am rebel (well maybe a little bit) it is because those people really don’t matter in the grand scheme or things.  So what if they don’t approve personally of my decisions, I probably don’t approve of theirs, however, I just don’t tell them as it is none of my business.

There are a ton of people that I am sure would disapprove of my sexuality or my choice in becoming a nudist for whatever reason they come up with…mainly because “they would never do it”. So what, I am not supposed to do something because “you” wouldn’t, or it isn’t your style? Hell, I try not to be a judgmental asshole like millions of people on this earth (although I certainly can be at times).

Other times people disapprove of things because they never simply take the time to listen, learn, or read/research about it. The confused mind will always say no. Also, some are based on pre-conceived notions or what they were taught growing up by the people in their environment. Therefore people will hide their sexuality out of shame and guilt because they were told it is wrong or a sin and they will go to hell or whatever other bullshit they heard.

I write this to encourage you to go be you and only you. Go against the grain of society and simply ignore, unfriend (online or real life) those that hold you back, talk shit, or degrade you for doing something you enjoy doing.

Believe me when I tell you, living a life free of worry is pretty damn awesome.

Don’t know what to say to people when they voice their all mighty opinion of how you should think, act and live your life? Here is a few go-to statements I like:

– “Thanks for your opinion I appreciate it, I just don’t really care as I am choosing to live life on my terms”

– “With all due respect (always a precursor) I don’t really f’king care what you think to be honest”

– “What is your point?…what is your point?…what is your point?” just keep asking them 😊

– “I have one life and that is it and it can end at anytime and I plan on living it the way I want and you should probably look at doing the same thing”

– “                “ (it is blank because I just simply ignore people and don’t feel like mustering the energy to give to people.

Look, I know you may be in a different situation that I am but here is what I know for certain and it will sound very cold: we are all going to die one day and we will never come back. There are no re-do’s, do overs, or going back in time. We don’t get younger and the longer we wait the more time we lose.

Please stop living for everyone else and start to live for yourself. Just because Jonny or Sally wouldn’t do it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it either. Hell, maybe you will really like it and Jonny and Sally will join you.

I am not just talking about being a nudist I am talking about all areas of your life. A great book which I listened to on Audio book as it is much funnier is the “Subtle Are of not Giving a F*ck” which you can find on Amazon here.

Maybe you stumbled on this blog and are new to the nudist scene, or never tried it but this blog has inspired you to lift a finger to the sky (you pick which one) and go for it but don’t know where to start, check my blog on “start being a nudist”.

What will you do to take charge and commit to being the real you today. Drop a comment below or email at everydaynudist@gmail.com and let me know would love to hear.

Go be you and only you.


Your everyday nudist in Spokane Washington

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Richard Craven

    Well said my friend.

    1. everydaynudist

      Thank you Richard I appreciate that!

    1. everydaynudist

      I agree 100% with you there. If you live the life everyone else wants you to, you will be unhappy.

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