Fortune Favors the Bold


Fortuna favet fortibus is Latin for fortune favors the bold, or in some translations fortune favors the strong.

Underneath the spartan helmet tattooed on my ribs was that exact saying I wore for many years prior to covering it up.

This is a saying that I was reminded of in a recent Matt Damon commercial.

When most people think of fortune, they think of wealth.

Wealth then buys really nice things to show off said fortune to impress people that really don’t matter in the grand scheme of things.

To me, fortune can be an array of things: money, health, joy, happiness, and more.

Be Bold

Ryan and Jessica at Sun Meadows Family Nudist Resort in Idaho

Part of getting this fortune takes being bold and strong. Pushing yourself past the comfort zone, and most certainly past the world full of nay-say’ers who silently (or vocally) stand by your side waiting for your to fail.

You know the ones that plant all the “what-if” questions that make you doubt yourself and your decisions.

Being a nudist is no different.

To be honest, it takes a certain level of boldness and strength to give it a go, especially in public or in a social setting.

I can’t tell you how many times people have said “man you are brave” for being a nudist or stripping naked in front of others. Followed by their own comment about not being brave or bold enough.

No, those that are brave run toward danger in the face of uncertainty. I just simply take my clothes off.

However, it does take a degree of boldness to say the hell with it I am going to do it. It takes a point of mental strength to say I am going to try this nude thing out.

If you are doubting yourself right now that you aren’t “bold” or “strong” enough to try nudism I would beg the differ.

How many obstacles in your life have you overcome when you were scared, nervous, or fearful?

I would be willing to bet you have a ton of experiences in your life that you downplay or say something like “yeah well I didn’t have an option”.  You always have two options in life: do it or don’t do it.

To me, and thousands of others everyday people who enjoy the fortune of the nudist lifestyle took a bold action to say “I will try it once”.

We don’t have superpowers, we aren’t stronger or bolder than the average everyday bear. The only real difference was one simple action to say “okay, I will try it” and then took one step to do it.

Was it scary, for many of us (me included), hell yeah it was. For me it took several (I mean like 8 beers in 90+ degree weather) to get naked in front of 500 people (make sure to check out my first nudist experience here).

But it reminds me of a quote that I heard from the movie We Bought a Zoo.

“All it takes is twenty seconds of insane courage. Twenty seconds of embarrassing bravery and I guarantee you that something good will come out of it.”  

What areas of your life will you dig in for 20 seconds of insane courage and embarrassing bravery to see what good will come out of it? Nudism, ending/staring a new relationship, quitting a job, stopping a substance, seeking mental health treatment?

Time to take action

Grab a piece of paper and write down the things you have wanted to do or try or do.  

Once you write it down, I want you to make a goal of how and when you will do it. Make sure to prioritize and only pick your top one to take action on.

Don’t overwhelm yourself that is the fastest route to quitting.

You will NOT say the following: I can’t.

Always know you are stronger and bolder that you give yourself credit for.

Now you just have to take one small step in the direction of action, and you will begin to build confidence.

That confidence will lead to a second small step; ultimately, resulting in enough steps taken to accomplish your goal.

Now go on, start writing and get to stepping.

In your corner,


Want to contact me, it is simple. Send me a email at

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Greenbare Woods

    Great post. I agree completely. We have to be BOLD to change the culture.
    I live close to Sun Meadows, ID. I’m in eastern WA near the ID border. I often get bold and naked near Spokane, WA, rather than go to a nudist farm. Are you located near Sun Meadows, or was that just a visit?

  2. Greenbare Woods

    Hey, I just read your “About Me” page. Since we both like to be bold and get naked in and near Spokane, maybe we could do it together this summer. Last summer I was bicycling naked on the Spokane-Fish Lake trail, and the Cheney Wetlands Trail. I’m sure there are more places to go naked, and its better to have support while being bold.

    1. everydaynudist

      As long as it is legal I am normally game for most things. While I agree bold actions changes cultures, nudity is one that can lead to false charges of indecent exposure and result in a lot of lawyer bills to simply prove that being nude is not a guesture of indenceny and it isn’t an unwanted sexual advance towards others. We in the nudist community know that, however, the 98% of people who aren’t…well they don’t see it that way. I am glad there are people that do get it and places that we can go (private or public) that allow it.

  3. Randy

    Outstanding article!! Applicable to all areas of life!

    1. everydaynudist

      Thank you and that was the intent to not just write it for trying/being a nudist, but all areas of life. Being a nudist is a small part of ones life, it is the other 99% of the day and life that requries bold actions. Thanks for reading and the reply!

  4. Lars Smith

    Hello, I can just say I have been nudist all my life and it would feel strange wearing bathtrouses on the beach.
    Stay naked

    1. everydaynudist

      That is awesome and yes once you taste the feeling of being free of clothing, it feels really strange and akward going back to wearing them! Thanks for the comment!

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