The “What If” of Nudism

“What If” Will Hold You Back in Life. Read How You can Change the Conversation owner, and blogger, Ryan enjoying a cup of coffee by the fireplace at Squaw Mountain Nudist Resort in Oregon

The “What If” of Nudism.

What if? Two powerful words that we constantly ask ourselves and as a result, holds us back from doing many things in life.

I wonder if you counted the below statement, how many times a day you think or say these:

But What if I fail?

I am not sure, What if I don’t get it?

We can try, but What if it doesn’t work?

I don’t know if I want to ask them, What if they say no?

The Nudist What If’s

When it comes to living a nudist lifestyle, or even trying it out socially with others, it usually sounds like this?

O hell no, “what if” someone I know sees me?

I would go, but “what if” I get a hard on?

Are you kidding me, “what if” people think I am fat?

Right, I am not going “what if” my work finds out they will fire me?

How many of the statements above have you said prior to starting out, or has kept you from trying?

One of my favorite all time sayings which I have used well over a hundred times…”what if” worms had machine guns? Birds wouldn’t fuck with them.

Look you can “what if” life all day, every day. You can “what if” every scenario in life and talk yourself right out of a dream if you let yourself.  

Simple Shift in Thoughts

Remember those “what if” statements you had about nudism or social nudism? Here are some easy answers you can give yourself when you inevitability ask yourself the questions:

1. O hell no, “what if” someone I know sees me?  Well, guess I didn’t know they were nudist as well so guess we have something in common. Make sure to check out my blog on hanging nude with friends here.

2. I would go, but “what if” I get a hard on? Well, teens and men get erections as a part of life so if I do get one I will just ignore it and it will go down. I may get embarrassed but everyone there has seen one. However, in most nudist settings erections are pretty rare because it is a different setting than a sex scene.

3. Are you kidding me, “what if” people think I am fat? Well, I guess most people there aren’t going to judge me and if they do, they aren’t going to say anything. Besides, I am proud of me as a person and I want to do something I think I may like it, or I do like it and I really want to try it so the hell with that they think I am going to do it.

4. Right, I am not going “what if” my work finds out they will fire me? Well, I guess they kiss my ass because I probably didn’t want to work for judgmental assholes in the first place.

Change Your Thoughts Today

It may sound simple but for many of you (like myself), negative thoughts can be a go to. You must pay attention and work on this everyday so that when negative thoughts come, you catch them early and reverse the conversation.

So start today. Pay attention to your “what if” negative results and change them to something wildly enjoyable! You will be amazed at not only how you feel, but not bullshit, the good things that will start to happen to you.

Still not sure and feel some internal fear about hanging naked with others. I enjoyed reading this blog from the Naturist Blog titled “The fear of nudity, part 1” and you can find it at

I am mean “what if” you like it…

What if we saw each other naked? It would be amazing!

I challenge you today to see where you are stuck at in asking the “What If” of nudism question and see if you can change the conversation.
