Veteran’s Day Thoughts from a Nudist Veteran

Veteran’s Day

Happy Veteran’s Day to all veterans who read this, as well as happy belated birthday to our United States Marine readers. Veteran’s day means something different to each veteran and below are some of my thoughts.

As a veteran of the United States Marine Corps I never really got into Veterans Day until I became older. I still struggle at times getting a free meal or a thank you for your service. There are many reasons for this but as I grow older I become more accepting of it…and yes if you want to offer me a free meal I will surely eat it and not argue over it.


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Do You Have a Hobby?

I, Ryan, suffer from chronic residual pain from my head to my toes, which over time resulted in getting major depression and anxiety. Also, having suffered many blows to the head resulting in several probable concussions, it has done a number on my memory and focus. To compound the issues, for 20 years I drank heavily to help me in trying to ignore the pain and override depression and anxiety. This resulted in becoming addicted to alcohol; however, on a positive note I just hit 4 years sobriety in June of 2020.

One thing I started to do several years ago to help clear my head was to paint. While I am not very good, it as a few hours to just release any stress, anxiety or issues that were consuming my thoughts and my life. To increase the effectiveness, I began painting things for other people. While many probably tossed them in the trash (which would be for good cause) it helped me to focus joy and gratitude in my work.


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You Say You Understand: But Do You?

ook at the many protests that are occurring across the U.S and we (the white people) trying to tell our African American brothers and sisters “I know what you going through and I support you”. Truth breaker, you have no idea what they are going through unless you are black, indigenous or a person of color (BIPOC) and then you may begin to understand the oppression, targeting, and discrimination another person faces. Until then, you can only assume what it is like from what you have seen on T.V. or been told by another person

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Review: Kaniksu Ranch Family Nudist Resort

When we moved to Spokane in the summer of 2018, we were on the hunt for a good local nudist resort near us to check out.

We have two about the same driving distance from us, Kaniksu Ranch which is located in Loon Lake WA and Sun Meadow in Worley ID. We opted to try Kaniksu and gave them a call.

The weekend we randomly chose happened to be their open house weekend with no gate fee for non-members, and was busier than normal; however, from the initial call through the check-in and to our departure it was a great time with really friendly staff and members. Not only was it their open house, it was the “National Skinny Dipping Day” so of course we had to get in the pool and do our part to try to help set the world wide Guinness Book of World Records skinny dippers.

To say we really enjoy the place is an understatement. We have enjoyed it so much that we haven’t tried Sun Meadows (although we will for sure), we just continue to go back to Kanisksu over and over.


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Have you ever noticed in our society everyone has a label? This label helps to fit them in a perfect little box, so everyone knows just how to quietly judge them.

Whether it is your sexuality, relationship status, race/ethnicity, financial status, education level, religious choosing, political affiliation or any one of the varieties of lifestyle choices you make.

Everything must have a label. Without it, we often seek to find out what it is.


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Swingers and Nudist|Nudist and Swingers

Two groups of people that often get lumped together are swingers and nudist.

People assume that nudist are swingers, and swingers are nudist.

While there is certainly a large combination of both, it isn’t true for all swingers or nudist.

Off and on over the past 20 years I have been a member of both lifestyles; however, not at the same time. What I mean by that is when I go to a nudist resort it is strictly nudist time. When I would go to a swinger party, it was just that, time to meet like minded people and if it goes further cool, if not I meet like minded people or do opened minded sexual stuff.

While there are certain lifestyle friendly (swinger) resorts, most nudist resorts are just that nudist. Sexual acts are strictly prohibited as they should be.


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Importance of Hugs

Ryan, founder and blogger of and his wife enjoying the benefits of skin-on-skin contact

It is said that a person needs 8 hugs a day to help their overall health.

According to healthline, hugs:

1. Reduce stress by showing support

2. May help protect against illness

3. May boost heart health

4. Can make you happier

5. Help reduce fears

6. My help reduce pain

7. Help you communicate with others


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