Importance of Hugs

Ryan, founder and blogger of and his wife enjoying the benefits of skin-on-skin contact

It is said that a person needs 8 hugs a day to help their overall health.

According to healthline, hugs:

1. Reduce stress by showing support

2. May help protect against illness

3. May boost heart health

4. Can make you happier

5. Help reduce fears

6. My help reduce pain

7. Help you communicate with others

Furthermore they state, you need 4 hugs a day for survival, 8 hugs for maintenance and 12 hugs for growth. However, it can’t just be a quick hug. Some studies show you need to hug anywhere from 10-20 seconds to get a good release of hormones.

Another great exercise is naked cuddling, and not the kind that you do for a minute than go right to sex. While this can be a result later, this is the time to cuddle skin on skin and reap the rewards of skin on skin contact and massive dumps of a concoction of feel good hormones.

This can be anywhere from on the couch, on the bed, in the woods…wherever. Human contact is powerful for the soul.  So much so, there are companies that offer nothing but cuddling time with no sex or kissing, simply allowing the body to relax.

Hell, they ever have businesses that you can pay to cuddle with people in a non sexual environment.

I will admit that I am not as good at this as I should be so I will pay more attention and make a better effort, not just for me but for my wife and her mental and physical wellbeing.

Happy hugging.
