Living with Mental Health Concerns

Mental Health is as Important as your Physical Health

Living with a Mental Health Concerns

Hi, my name is Ryan and I live with major depressive disorder and anxiety and this is the story of my last 15 years (give or take).

I will focus this blog on depression and will touch on anxiety in a future writing.


I don’t use the official term of “mental health illness”. Don’t get me wrong, depression is an illness. According to the American Psychiatric Association, “depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act.”


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Sun Meadow Family Nudist Resort

An honest trip review of our time at the resort.

Sun Meadow Family Nudist Resort

This past weekend (17-18 April, 2021) Jessica and I decided to enjoy the mid 70’s sunny weather, our destination Sun Meadow Family Nudist Resort. The resort is located in Worley, Idaho.

It was the perfect the day for our first nude outing of 2021!

After setting our reservation mid week, Saturday morning came and we were on the road for a quick 45 minute drive from our house just outside of Spokane Washington to just across the border in Idaho.


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Are You Fighting a Substance Abuse Disorder?

Here is a look into my personal story

Are You Fighting a Substance Abuse Disorder? You aren’t alone!

My name is Ryan and I live in recovery from a substance abuse disorder, specifically alcohol.

It took me 20 years of heavy drinking daily to say that out loud just about 6 years ago.  

But once I did, I could face it. With out it, I just kept on struggling in silence, holding my secret to myself and playing life as if I had it under control.  Thing is, I did not have it under control. Beer and Crown Royal had me at their will.


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Go Be You and Only You

You only get one life to live so live it on your terms.

Go be you!

It is all too often that I see people try to control other peoples lives. It is even more so with the all of the social media platforms that keep popping up.

Trolls. They are fucking everywhere.

Some of them you know, some you have never met.

But they all have one thing in common. They like to make comments that make you doubt yourself, or say things that are downright disrespectful.

It is a shame.

These people stop others from living the lives they want to live because subconsciously we want to impress people. Or worse, we don’t live our true lives because we don’t want people to talk shit about us.


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Keep Fighting in Life, You are worth it.

Life is tough, but you are tougher so just keep fighting each day.

Ryan, Marine Corps Veteran, nudist, and founder/blogger for showing is everyday bracelet he wears as a reminder to keep fighting.

Keep fighting in life.

This will be a quick blog and I am not sure who needs to hear it, however, I was compelled to jump on and type this simple message out to you: Keep fucking fighting.

Everyday we are faced with challenges that push us, pull us, or make us want to simply give up.


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Medical Marijuana and Nudism

Enjoying the benefits of nudity and marijuana
Ryan, a nudist blogger in Spokane with his cartridge of THC. In Washington, marijuana is legal for medical and recreational use.

Medical Marijuana and Nudism

What does medical marijuana and nudism have in common? They are both good for your soul, spirit, and pain management (in my humble opinion). Relaxation, stress relief, and all natural are three main components of both.

Marijuana users carry around a stigma much like being a nudist does. Many people don’t understand it; therefore, they just simply label people as “stoners” and all they want to do is get high. While that is true for many, marijuana also possess many medical benefits that now being researched more.


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I am a Proud Bisexual Male Nudist

Join the thousands of proud nudist from the LGBTQI+ community today.

Ryan, nudist and owner/blogger of based in Spokane Washington

I am a Proud Bisexual Male Nudist

I am not a fan of labels.

I think labels try to confine people to a box, therefore, if you are in a box you should think and act like everyone else. This helps to dehumanize people, or automatically discount their ideas and thoughts because they aren’t in your box.

So why did I just go against everything I said and label myself, and put myself in a box? Because I am proud of who the hell I am , and you should be too! That is all that matters in this life.


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Empathy and Compassion

Two traits that are missing in common society.

Ryan, owner/blogger of

Empathy and Compassion. Two traits that are missing in common society.

Have you ever looked around and wondered what the hell is wrong with our society and people today?

Why is it that people are constantly at each other throats?

Is it because here in America we have been strategically divided into two separate political parties and have been pitted against each other? This is done through the media, our politicians, and from each other.


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