Power of Music for Your Mental Health

Music and Nudism are Two Powerful Ways to Increase Your Mental Health

Ryan, nudist from Spokane just doing what he does best.

Power of Music for Your Mental Health

Do you ever find yourself in a bad mood, or maybe sitting around waiting for the motivation to get up and do something productive? Maybe like me, you suffer from depression or anxiety and find some days are harder than others to get moving…or keep moving.  

If so, may I recommend you try to put on some music to give you a boost.

Studies have shown music is much more powerful than just making you feel good (or if you listen to depressing music, bring you down), according to Very Well Mind, “music can relax the mind, energize the body, and even help people better manage pain.”

The article, which you can find here, highlights 10 potential psychological benefits of music.

My Favorite Type of Music

For me, my type of music to get me going something uplifting with a cool jazzy, funk feel like Amos Lee. Here is one I have been listening to for a week or so every morning and while in the shower. Check it out here, I think you may like it.

Others I enjoy are Xavier Rudd, a cool Australian that has a great song called “Spirit Bird” which he sings about the struggles of the Aboriginal people of Australia. Look him up, I think some of you may enjoy him.

Do you have a go to genre of music, or maybe a new artist I should check out? Drop a comment below I am always looking for potential new artist or bands, especially if they sound good acoustic!

So I guess there is only one thing left to do, drop your clothes and turn up your music and dance or sing and not give a damn what anyone else thinks!

If you are having mental health issues it is okay, you are not alone. To learn more about mine, and something I do that may provide some help to you in your battle, check out this previous blog!

So I encourage you today to use the power of music for your mental health!


Your everyday nudist in Spokane probably jamming out naked to an acoustic song somewhere in public or private

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Fred (Au Natural)

    I find that music helps get the anxiety, something I encounter more frequently as I get older. Put on the noise canceling headphones, plug in the mp3 player, crawl into bed and crank the music.

    1. Fred (Au Natural)

      That should be “get beyond” the anxiety.

    2. everydaynudist

      That is awesome I am glad you have found it works. Many times at night I need music just for the tennites I have so I have to override the ringing to get to sleep!

  2. rcspiritbear

    Thanks for another great blog! I’ll also use music while I’m writing. Choosing music that fits the mood of what I’m working on helps to paint that scene. For years I had a go to album called ‘Bird Songs of the Mesozoic Age’. It was bizarre, dark and if I found myself playing that I knew I was in a depression and needed to work my way out of that round.

    1. everydaynudist

      That is a great and I often use music when I am writing, I enjoy some relaxation music which I have found can help relieve some stress and anxiety and opens my thoughts. Thanks for the comment!

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