Rings and Pills
Erectile Dysfunction: Quit Hiding Get Help
Fella’s this blog is for you and ladies you can read and if need be encouraging your men to seek help. While not “nudist”, this is something can affect many areas of your life and not just your sexual relationships.
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) affects about 5% of men over 40 and the numbers increase as you get older. However, if you have certain medical conditions it can occur much earlier in life.
Like me for example. I am currently 44 and was diagnosed for ED about 10 years ago due to a low back injury I received while in the Marine Corps. Now I say diagnosed, verses I got it, because I had it for probably 3-4 years before I talked to my doctor about it. For those 3-4 years I didn’t struggle with getting and erection, I struggled with keeping it.
Imagine how embarrassing it was to be 30 and can’t keep an erection. Then imagine how hard it is for a 30 year old to talk to a Dr about it. Hence, why it took me several years before I said something, and main reason I did was I was a) pissed about my situation and b) scared it would get worse or I had a serious medical condition I was unaware of.
Why am I am writing about Erectile Disfunction on a “nudist blog”, well, because I pay for this site 😊 and to tell men who suffer from erectile dysfunction: quit hiding and get help
The other reason is that I know many men suffer in silence because of this and for the man in them won’t say anything to their spouse or their doctor. They would rather make excuses, and like me, allow pride to get in the way of getting and holding and erection.
Dudes, it is cool trust me. There is no embarrassment about saying “hey Doc I need some help”.
Here is what happens when you don’t ask for help. You don’t get help. Most Doc’s won’t ask you about your erection health, the ask about every other thing. It is up to you.
Funny, when I told my pain Dr I was on it all his response was “dude you are a walking party”. Well, hell I guess so…sort of.
Even with help of a pill, or cock ring it doesn’t work all the time like the commercials tell you.
Some days I will take it and depending upon pain level or what I have going on in life, I may not get or keep an erection. My wife knows this as we have talked about my ED so she would understand that it isn’t her, or my attraction to her, some days my shit just doesn’t work. Other days, well, look the hell out!
The other tool I use along side a pill is a cock ring. There are many different versions of them feel free to google them and see. The purpose of the cock ring, or shaft ring you place at the bottom of your shaft, is to trap the blood to help keep an erection. I have found good luck when I do both, however, sometimes I can get away with either just the cock ring or both the shaft and cock ring. I have both metal and silicon and they come in a back of three (all different sizes for different purposes).
To review my thoughts on cock rings at resorts check out my blog here.
Also, some days I wear it for a bit as it provides a different feeling, but note they recommend you don’t wear them more than 20-30 minutes as they are tight and constrict the blood flow…yeahhhhh you don’t want to cut off blood flow for long periods of time!
Note: there are also other things you can use such as a pump, however, since I have never used them I can’t talk about them. There are also larger cock rings referred to as donuts that are more for thicker in width and mostly used for appearance and increased sensitivity. You can wear these much longer as they aren’t tight and blood constricting, however, just make sure to google them and follow instructions for your safety.
So brothers, if you are struggling with ED I would implore you to ask for help. It doesn’t matter your skin color, sexual orientation, or status (married, single, etc.), if you have an issue with getting, or maintaining and erection talk to your damn doctor. The only thing (in your mind) that is more embarrassing than talking to your doc is not holding, or getting, a solid erection; therefore, to hide this your sex life declines which in turn leads to struggles outside the bedroom.
I am not saying that the end all be all of happiness in life is a firm, long erection…however, I am saying not having one can sure make that happiness a lot harder to achieve.
I would ask you to consider talking to your medical provider next time you are in there and when you start to clam up simply say “damn it Ryan said to f’king say something so I am going to say something”.
Ladies, if you have gotten this far I applaud you and thank you. I would ask that you understand that if your partner can’t get an erection he may have ED and may be embarrassed to talk about it like it makes him less of a man. Encourage him to talk to his doctor and make sure there isn’t something more serious going on, and hey if it is ED cool there is help.
Here are symptoms that Mayo Clinic highlights about ED.
So men, if you suffer from Erectile Dysfunction, quit hiding and get help today.
To a healthy and happy erection,