Embrace Your Imperfections: Nudist Living [2022]

Embrace Your Imperfections

Ryan and his wife with all their imperfections on display at Kinaksu Nudist Resort in Washington State.

Based on the book The Gift of Imperfections by Brene Brown (which I just ordered today on Amazon), what a great topic to address: imperfections.

We all have them, and most people spend a lifetime trying to perfect them. However, the harder you try, the more physically, mentally, and emotionally drained you become. As a result, we push even harder to overcome them so we can put them to rest and move on to the next thing we want to perfect.

The problem with this mentality is that we will NEVER get to perfection. Ever.

Why? Because there is no such thing as perfection. Sure you can have a “perfect” record at work, or a “perfect” score on a test; however, there is always room for improvement. Furthermore, imperfections are a part of our being.

Chasing the perfect body

Ryan, founder of every day nudist when he was in top shape
Ryan, founder of Everyday Nudist when he was pushing 5% body fat working out 5 days a week.
A recent picture of Ryan not in shape at all!

The biggest chaser of imperfections I have seen is chasing the perfect the body.

But what is the perfect body? Doesn’t it exist. Short answer: no. Longer answer, It doesn’t exist because once you reach your personal goals, you will set new ones and until you reach those, you won’t be happy. Lets say you want to lose 10 lbs, great.

You get to 10 lbs and you realize that isn’t enough, you still have a pouch, so you want to lose another 15. Once you get to 15, you realize that there was a person you saw on social media (or a magazine) that weighed the same but had more defined abs. The next goal is started to work on that. The list goes on and on and on.

Body imperfections is by far the number one excuse on why people never try social nudism (or they delay for years).

It is because they can’t see past their imperfections, and they feel everyone is going to stop what they are doing and stare directly at it.

If this is you, let me help you out.

Ladies, there are a lot of women who go to nudist resorts, and gatherings that have stretch marks, extra weight around their stomachs, hips, thighs, and butt. There are a lot of women who are much older and have sagging breasts, cellulite, and gray hair. It is just a part of life.

Fellas, there are plenty of men who have extra weight around their guts, are way out of shape (including me), don’t have a large penis to show off, and are much older than what you would see at a community pool. It is just a part of life.

The accepting nudist community

But here is the cool thing about the nudist community: most of them have embraced their imperfections and go on to enjoy the lifestyle anyways. I am sure they uncomfortable in the beginning, but settle in once they are doing it.  

Being a nudist isn’t a beauty contest. It isn’t going to impress anyone and pick up the opposite sex.

Nudism is about coming as you are, and being accepted for who you are on the inside, over what you look like on the outside. It is about being comfortable and accepting of others and their imperfections.

It is about a community of people that are supportive of your choice to live a clothes free life. Hell, I will even go on to add, most don’t care if you never get naked. I say most, there are always stingy people in a crowd.

I get that you want to lose that 25 lbs., or tone those abs as it makes you feel better about yourself. When you feel good, you act much different because you have increased self-confidence.

But you know the running theme among a good majority of nudist? Being nude in front of others grows ones self-confidence and self-esteem. Here is a good blog I found from Liz Russell, a non-nudist talking about her first nude experience around others.

Embrace your imperfections and chose the ones YOU want to work on

Now, don’t get me wrong and read this as I am saying “just accept your imperfections and do nothing about them”.

It is perfectly fine to work on yourself…matter of fact it is highly encouraged to work on yourself daily. However, don’t do it in a manner that you are chasing perfection.

Set a goal and a plan to reach that goal. Work everyday at the little steps to get your there and celebrate your victories along the way. But I can tell you that if your goal is to be a perfect human being inside and out, you are wasting your time and effort.

The sooner that you can embrace your imperfections, the faster you will be on your way to finding peace. Still struggling with stepping out and being you? Check out this previous blog I wrote and see it helps you a little more!

Believe me when I say it isn’t easy. You have been conditioned all throughout your life by parents, teachers, guru’s, to not embrace your imperfections, but to go out and work on them and be a strong, well-rounded perfect person.

Well, as a guy with a metric shit ton of imperfections I can tell you that I am just fine with having them and will work on only ones that I chose to work on for myself and no one else.

So are you ready to embrace your imperfections? Are you ready to put aside all those negative thoughts you have about yourself and start living?

Is it time you strip down your inhibitions, along with your clothes, and see why people find joy in living the nudist lifestyle?

To embracing our imperfections together!


This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Alan

    Thanks for your encouraging words.

    1. everydaynudist

      You are welcome, thanks for reading and the comment!

  2. gcnat1200020

    Beautifully said. Accepting nudism is the perfect remedy for our inadequacies. Jan&Gary ❤️

    1. everydaynudist

      I agree! Thank you for the kind comment!

  3. nudistterp

    Agreed on the futility of chasing self-set goals of perfection. There’re also the goals of ‘perfection’ that others set. Usually it’s along the lines of, “If you just do ‘x’ or stop being so ‘z’, you’ll find you won’t have so many problems.” Of course, it’s almost never stated that directly….. but that’s the message. It’s an exercise in futility. Guess what? While you were diligently working toward ‘x’, it moved. the bar is higher. You have more to do. Stop trying. You’ll just work yourself sick, mentally and physically. Meeting other people’s arbitrary standards of acceptability is no more possible than getting the perfect body.

    Have bones that don’t line up right or curve in the wrong direction? Sick of the stares when you take your shirt off? Go to any social nudist event and enjoy the lack of attention your imperfections draw. Nobody cares. It does wonders for your confidence.

    1. everydaynudist

      I agree it is an ever changing bar, but most of the time we set our bars to other peoples standards and not our own. I like self goals, but only if the goals are truly set for yourself and not with others in mind to prove them wrong or to put you closer to the Jones.

      Love the last 3 sentences! Nudist are just everyday people with their flaws on display and no one judges you (or at least out loud). Almost everyone I have ever talked to at an event has been nothing but nice to me and my wife and others around them. I haven’t ever heard of people talking shit about someone and I have hung out with almost all types of people, including trans. It isn’t anything like the “internet nudist” who are not even close.

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