You Don’t Need to Fit In at a Nudist Event: You Belong at a Nudist Event

You belong in the nudist community.

Fitting In

You have probably heard the phrase “get in where you fit in”; however, there is a big problem with this.

In order to “fit in” to a group, or setting, you must change who you are to blend in.

When you do this, you aren’t being your authentic self. Hell, this means you may have to be 5 or 6 different versions of the real you in order to fit in with the group.

This can not only be tiring, but it isn’t a good time when you are there; ultimately, negating the purpose of going out and having fun.

And whether you know it or not, you instinctively do this so you don’t stand out, or be in a situation where people don’t want to talk to you.

However, in the nudist community, we don’t want you to fit in.

You Belong Here

When you go to a nudist event, or beach, or whatever, we want you to feel like you belong here….because you do.

Unlike being clothed where you have to dress and act a certain way, in a nudist environment you are as vulnerable as they come and every flaw is on full display.

However, you aren’t the only one on display. Everyone you are around has opened themselves up to be their true authentic and vulnerable self.

Nudist friends of Everyday Nudist. Photo used with owners permission.

This is what makes belonging so special. Whether it is your first or 100th time, you belong to a group of likeminded people that are supportive and simply enjoy the clothes free (or some version of it) lifestyle.

Even those that aren’t nudist and chose to wear clothes at an event, or setting, are accepted exactly how and who they are as they belong to the “group”.

Embrace your imperfections

So please, drop you preconceived notions of what you think you have to be, or look like and show up as your complete, authentic self! And trust me, if you are worried about your imperfections, we ALL have them. Check out this previous post on Embracing your Imperfections.

You don’t need to be a chameleon, and change anything about you to fit the nudist narrative (well unless you are an a-hole then you will ruin the vibe). Just simply join us, and feel at home.

Here in the nudist community, we welcome you EXACTLY HOW AND WHO YOU ARE.

The driver for this blog is from the book “The Gift of Imperfections” by Brene Brown and I can’t recommend it enough! Well worth the time and money investment to live a better life.

In your corner,
