Genital Piercings and Jewelry

What do you think about genital piercings and jewelry at nudist resorts or functions?

I have been to resorts before that don’t allow it, or highly discourage it and other places where it is acceptable to wear.

I think that if you have a piercing wear it. Whether nipples or genital you should be able to wear it and if people see it, well they are checking out your nipples or genitals. Let’s be honest, as much as people say no one looks, that is bullshit. Everyone checks out people and yes looks at crotches, boobs and ass of all shapes and sizes.

I have been around a good number of pierced people and never personally bothered me.

What I did find iffy is when men wear cockrings to resorts or events. While I have two, steel and rubber, I wear then for sexual enhancement, or sometimes to just feel good; however, I don’t wear them to resorts or gatherings. Mostly because, well lets be honest, we go when it is hot and sunny and I don’t want my steel one to get cooking in the sun against my skin.

I think they bring to much attention to the penis area, and while they may increase confidence in men and feel somewhat stimulating to wear, especially in open areas, I don’t see much use at a nudist resort or function.

What are your thoughts on piercings and jewelry?

Hope to hang out naked soon…but will be wearing jewelry?


Your everydaynudist living and hanging out nude in Eastern Washington