Keep Fighting in Life, You are worth it.

Life is tough, but you are tougher so just keep fighting each day.

Ryan, Marine Corps Veteran, nudist, and founder/blogger for showing is everyday bracelet he wears as a reminder to keep fighting.

Keep fighting in life.

This will be a quick blog and I am not sure who needs to hear it, however, I was compelled to jump on and type this simple message out to you: Keep fucking fighting.

Everyday we are faced with challenges that push us, pull us, or make us want to simply give up.


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Act Naturally

Two stepsisters inherit their father’s nudist resort and have to choose whether to run the business or sell it.

Act Naturally

I was scrolling through my Amazon Firestick the other day and I came across a movie that had a cover picture that said “no shoes no shirt no problem” as it covered up the backsides of a group of people standing there looking in the other direction.

Of course, I was intrigued so I clicked on the preview for a movie called Act Naturally. I won’t go through the movie as you can see the trailer here.

While the movie didn’t get good ratings on Rotten Tomato I will tell you I enjoyed the movie for one simple reason: it is a realistic portrayal of what non-nudist (called textiles) think of nudist, and what happens when you visit a nudist resort if you aren’t comfortable.

I found it quite comical from the two estranged sisters disgusted by the older men walking by, to staring at penis’s and their udder fear when being around everyday people who aren’t wearing clothes.


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Struggling with Your Mental Health?

Is it Time for you to Cowboy Up and to put your sh*tkickers on and go to work

Ryan. a nudist and owner/blogger from hanging out in Spokane WA.

Struggling with Your Mental Health?

Is depression or anxiety (or any other mental health diagnosis) whipping your ass day-in-day-out and you can’t find the motivation you used to have to be productive? Feel like sleeping all day, or not even getting out of bed?

That is okay you aren’t alone. There are millions of people just like you. Some better off, some the same, some way worse. I don’t know your situation, or the entire surroundings of how you feel, but can tell you that I live with major depression and have for the past 15 years or so. I know your feelings.


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Thank You for a Great Nudist Year

You are the most amazing nudist and non nudist friends a blogger could ask for.

Thank you!

I wanted to take a quick moment to simply say THANK YOU for taking the time to read through my blogs. My sincere hope is that it is well worth your time and one that you have (or will) subscribe to and get updates as I continue to write.

My 2020 year in review stats popped up and I can’t believe that since March I have had 884 amazing guests from 41 countries stop by and take a look!

My hope is that some of the writings thus far have not only encouraged you in the nudist arena, but life in general. Sometimes I will write on nudist specific events like my first visit (see here), or what to expect the first time you do it public (see here); however, I also enjoy writing on a variety of things such as mindset, fear, and health.

The end goal of this blog is to make you think, smile, laugh, increase your confidence and awareness, and just simply take action. I am not talking about just becoming a nudist, but take action in many areas of your life.


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Fear: The Silent Conversation

Learn How to Stop Crushing Your Dreams Today.

Don't allow fear to control your silent conversation and crush your dreams, hopes and goals.
Ryan, owner/blogger of sporting his favorite Fuck Fear shirt! It stands for Face it, Understand it, Control it, Know it.

Fear: the silent conversation. The one that takes place without you even knowing it is occurring, and has crushed your dreams for as long as you can remember…until now.

There are three things in this world that you can guarantee: death, change, and fear.

Lets just be honest up front, fear is a motherfucker. Fear is both good (internal survival protection tool against danger) and bad (stops you from doing things you want to do). Fear can be complex, however, for this blog I want to address the simple topic of the title, Fear: The Silent Conversation.

Fear has stopped more dreams, goals and aspirations dead in its tracks, way before they go started.


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The Various Nudist Stages You Will See

The tail of two different nudist: first time vs. experienced

The various nudist stages

This set of pictures so the tail of two worlds. Your first time nudist in front of others, and many time nudist, or if you have done it quite a few times.

It is normal to feel nervous when getting naked in front of strangers, or for some, getting naked around friends and people you know.

Hell, I have been in the nudist world for over 20 years and I still get butterflies when we roll up to a nudist event or resort. But don’t worry it usually goes away pretty quickly and the feeling switches to one of relief and feeling the stress melt.

So if you are putting off trying out a nudist event because you are scared, nervous, our couldn’t to do it, trust me when I say…it really isn’t that bad and believe it or not, no one is waiting on you to walk up and they will hold up a score sign with a number ranging from 1-10.

The various nudist stages

Here is how it will go down, or has for my hundreds of nudist beach, events, and resort attendance:


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You Say You Understand: But Do You?

ook at the many protests that are occurring across the U.S and we (the white people) trying to tell our African American brothers and sisters “I know what you going through and I support you”. Truth breaker, you have no idea what they are going through unless you are black, indigenous or a person of color (BIPOC) and then you may begin to understand the oppression, targeting, and discrimination another person faces. Until then, you can only assume what it is like from what you have seen on T.V. or been told by another person

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