Sexuality: What Does it Matter to You Anyways?

Ryan a military veteran nudist enjoying the view of downtown Spokane Washington from the historic Davenport hotel
Ryan enjoying the view from the Historic Davenport Hotel in downtown Spokane Washington

Sexuality: What Does it Matter to You Anyways?

It seems like more and more the headlines on Yahoo or Google (or any other site) is calling out a person for their sexuality. Whether an actor, politician, athlete or any celebrity for that fact it is like it is some huge ordeal which clouts their ability to perform. I just saw the other day an article about a mayor of a large city that was bisexual, and his wife put it best…is sexuality and what he likes is between me and him and our household. I think this has a lot to with the media campaign to divide us which you can read here

As a bisexual male, yes I am bi, yes I like men and women, I haven’t ever found out what the big deal is. Now 20 years ago, sure it was a big deal as I was pretty young and ignorant in my thoughts. The internet was somewhat newer, and I didn’t know how to navigate around it other than my email and favorite porn sites.  However, the older I grew, the more my mind changed. My sexuality changed.


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Self-Confidence and Boldness

Self-Confidence and Boldness

One of the most frequent statements I hear when I tell people that I am a nudist is “I don’t have the confidence” or “I could never do that I am not that bold”.

To be honest this usually comes from women that are bigger in stature and I feel they aren’t confident because they don’t fit what society deems as the normal, and appropriate size for women to be. It stems from a deep routed self-conscious image they have of themselves that has been there for decades.

This also comes from people that have been told from a young age that being naked is bad and leads to sex, or when you were naked it was for sex. You have been told to “cover up” and this has stuck with you.


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Importance of Hugs

Ryan, founder and blogger of and his wife enjoying the benefits of skin-on-skin contact

It is said that a person needs 8 hugs a day to help their overall health.

According to healthline, hugs:

1. Reduce stress by showing support

2. May help protect against illness

3. May boost heart health

4. Can make you happier

5. Help reduce fears

6. My help reduce pain

7. Help you communicate with others


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