Struggling with Your Mental Health?

Is it Time for you to Cowboy Up and to put your sh*tkickers on and go to work

Ryan. a nudist and owner/blogger from hanging out in Spokane WA.

Struggling with Your Mental Health?

Is depression or anxiety (or any other mental health diagnosis) whipping your ass day-in-day-out and you can’t find the motivation you used to have to be productive? Feel like sleeping all day, or not even getting out of bed?

That is okay you aren’t alone. There are millions of people just like you. Some better off, some the same, some way worse. I don’t know your situation, or the entire surroundings of how you feel, but can tell you that I live with major depression and have for the past 15 years or so. I know your feelings.


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Time to Increase Your Vitamin D

Even as a nudist you need to increase your Vitamin D levels.

Ryan from and his Vitamin D pills
Ryan, owner/blogger of with this vitamin D pills (note: not an endorsement of this company).

Time to Increase Your Vitamin D

Vitamin D. Are you low and don’t know it? It may be time to increase your levels.

Winter is upon us here in the U.S. (and many parts of the world) and one of the things I think a lot of people often overlook (or at least Jess and I do) is our Vitamin D intake and levels.

Here in Spokane WA we average only 171 days of sun shine (U.S. avg is 205) and get 48” of snow (U.S. avg is 24) so there is plenty of time spend away from the natural generator…the beautiful sun.

The reason I am writing this is because Jess just got her blood test back and her D level is a way low, and it reminded me of how mine was two years ago which was even lower than hers. I figured if ours is low, yours might be as well.

Symptoms of low levels


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Fear: The Silent Conversation

Learn How to Stop Crushing Your Dreams Today.

Don't allow fear to control your silent conversation and crush your dreams, hopes and goals.
Ryan, owner/blogger of sporting his favorite Fuck Fear shirt! It stands for Face it, Understand it, Control it, Know it.

Fear: the silent conversation. The one that takes place without you even knowing it is occurring, and has crushed your dreams for as long as you can remember…until now.

There are three things in this world that you can guarantee: death, change, and fear.

Lets just be honest up front, fear is a motherfucker. Fear is both good (internal survival protection tool against danger) and bad (stops you from doing things you want to do). Fear can be complex, however, for this blog I want to address the simple topic of the title, Fear: The Silent Conversation.

Fear has stopped more dreams, goals and aspirations dead in its tracks, way before they go started.


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Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

Do You Suffer from Seasonal depression, symptoms, treatments

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), the short duration depression that can ruin a holiday season.

As a person that suffers from depression and anxiety year round, I often find myself with a little extra struggle during the winter months. During these months I often feel tired, lethargic, and have a lack of motivation to do anything productive. I often blame it on the short days, and it being dark what seems like all the time. In short, it takes what little bit of energy I have to do anything extra.

Does this sound like you? Do you feel like this during the winter months? Maybe, you do good in the winter but when summer comes you get in a “slump”.

If so, you may be suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

Don’t worry, you aren’t alone. According to the Cleveland Clinic,


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Pubic Hair: To Shave or Not to Shave

The pubic hair decision that nudist face

Pubic Hair: To Shave or Not to Shave: That is the question

It always appears that pubic hair comes in and out of fashion. Looking back in time you will often see both men and women with full mounds of hair, left to be all natural. However, as time went on shaving bald, or leaving just a small patch or strip became fashionable.

Today, it seems more women are opting for the natural look, or more trimming and less bald skin, and a lot more men are opting for a smooth look. Now this isn’t a blanket statement as it is all personal preference.


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Blog Highlight: Margret Albaugh

Award winning photographer, blogger, advocate

Award winning photographer and blogger Margret Albaugh

Blog Highlight: Margret Albaugh

I decided that I want to start doing some blog highlights that are both inside and outside of the nudist community. I will pick some that provide some great information (outside of mine expert home opinions 😊), are thought provoking, are vulnerable, or simply those that have not only talented people, but good and kind people.

For this first edition, I chose to pick the blog of Margret Albaugh. She is lives in Spokane and is a wife, mother, and award-winning photographer. She is not only talented behind the lens of her camera, but her blogs are well written, thought provoking, and at times very vulnerable. Furthermore, she is an advocate, and amazing storyteller and does a wonderful job highlighting some of the amazing women owned businesses here in Spokane Washington.


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The “What If” of Nudism

“What If” Will Hold You Back in Life. Read How You can Change the Conversation owner, and blogger, Ryan enjoying a cup of coffee by the fireplace at Squaw Mountain Nudist Resort in Oregon

The “What If” of Nudism.

What if? Two powerful words that we constantly ask ourselves and as a result, holds us back from doing many things in life.

I wonder if you counted the below statement, how many times a day you think or say these:

But What if I fail?

I am not sure, What if I don’t get it?

We can try, but What if it doesn’t work?

I don’t know if I want to ask them, What if they say no?

The Nudist What If’s


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Thanksgiving Blessings: Focusing on what you have

Everydaynudist owner/lead blogger Ryan and his beautiful wife Jessica celebrating their 2 year anniversary in November, 2020.

Thanksgiving blessings. This is a blog I felt like writing because, if you are like me, 2020 has left us ungrateful, or at least, distracted from life’s blessings.

Sure everyday I give some thanks for decent health, my family, a roof over my head and food to eat. The standard things most of us take for granted. However, on Thanksgiving I really sat down to reflect on all the things I am grateful to have.


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Veteran’s Day Thoughts from a Nudist Veteran

Veteran’s Day

Happy Veteran’s Day to all veterans who read this, as well as happy belated birthday to our United States Marine readers. Veteran’s day means something different to each veteran and below are some of my thoughts.

As a veteran of the United States Marine Corps I never really got into Veterans Day until I became older. I still struggle at times getting a free meal or a thank you for your service. There are many reasons for this but as I grow older I become more accepting of it…and yes if you want to offer me a free meal I will surely eat it and not argue over it.


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