Ryan, Founder of Everyday Nudist enjoying the snow at his Eastern Washington home.
Happy New Year friends from a chilly and snowy Pacific Northwest, I hope all of you had a great holiday season!
With the New Year comes all the new year, new me social media posts. While I enjoy seeing them, the unfortunate statics of new years resolutions are pretty low. According to UAB Medicine only 8% of people of people will stick to their resolutions for the entire year. To read some great tips on how you can increase your chances of success take a few moments to read their article here.
“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”- Nightbirde
America’s Got Talent Nightbirde performance will have you question your life in just one simple statement.
A while back on America’s Got Talent there was a young lady that took the stage to sing an original song called “it’s OK” and in just two minutes she took the internet by storm.
You see it isn’t that Nightbirde, her real name Jane Marczewski, isn’t just a good singer she is also fighting cancer. Prior to singing Howie Mandel asked her what she does for a living in which she responded that in the last 2 years she hasn’t worked as she has been battling cancer. After the awkward “o sorry to hear” from Howie, Simon Cowell asked her how she is doing now. Nighbirde responded by saying that “last time I check I had some cancer in my lungs and my spine and my liver”.
Ryan, Marine Corps Veteran, nudist and owner of everydaynudist.com with his wife Jessica out hiking at Sun Meadow Family Nudist Resort in Worley Idaho
Sun Meadow Family Nudist Resort
This past weekend (17-18 April, 2021) Jessica and I decided to enjoy the mid 70’s sunny weather, our destination Sun Meadow Family Nudist Resort. The resort is located in Worley, Idaho.
It was the perfect the day for our first nude outing of 2021!
After setting our reservation mid week, Saturday morning came and we were on the road for a quick 45 minute drive from our house just outside of Spokane Washington to just across the border in Idaho.
Pubic Hair: To Shave or Not to Shave: That is the question
It always appears that pubic hair comes in and out of fashion. Looking back in time you will often see both men and women with full mounds of hair, left to be all natural. However, as time went on shaving bald, or leaving just a small patch or strip became fashionable.
Today, it seems more women are opting for the natural look, or more trimming and less bald skin, and a lot more men are opting for a smooth look. Now this isn’t a blanket statement as it is all personal preference.
Today, 23 September, is National Bisexual Awareness Day so to all my fellow bisexual’s out there I would like to say I am proud of you for being you.
Bisexual’s are often one of the misfits in the LGBT+ community. We are often labeled as “confused” or “in a phase” and somehow we are diminished or people want us to “pick a team”. To those I say, I have picked a team and it is coed. I am in the longest phase of my life which is about 20 years and can say I am proud to be who I am today…a married, nudist, bisexual, father and veteran.
Remaining aware of your surroundings can give you just enough time to react faster.
Learn nudist safety tips from Ryan, a Marine Corps veteran, self-defense expert, nudist, and founder/author of Everyday Nudist
Nudist Safety Tip: Situational Awareness
Not only am I a nudist, I also happen to be a Marine Corps veteran, Marine Corps Martial Arts/Close Combat Instructor, taught unarmed self-defense, spent over 9 years in the Anti-Terrorism community, and owned a business teaching self-defense, workplace violence and active shooter response. With all of this experience and knowledge I felt it is vital to share it in a new Nudist Safety Tip Series.
This series will be crafted to provide information that will not only help you in a nudist environment, but your everyday life (especially with the instability of many cities throughout the U.S. and across the globe). Whether in Spokane Washington or Los Angeles California, it is important to have a sold foundation of safety. I would encourage both men and women to read this, and most importantly teenagers so they can establish a solid foundation early.
Violence can occur to anyone at anytime. You are not immune, I am not immune. Whether at a store or a nudist resort, violence can occur with little to no warning.
Have you ever wanted to write about your nudist experience, but didn't have anyone to tell out of fear of not being accepted, people thinking you are a freak or just didn't know who you could tell?
I am always looking for guest bloggers to help me share a variety of perspectives and experiences with a growing body of viewers around the globe!
According to a 2018 article in Psychologytoday.com “In terms of basic results, they found that 73 percent of women and 98 percent of men reported internet porn use in the last six months, for a total of 85 percent of respondents.” The disturbing facts are the number of children from age 8 years old and older, that have either intentionally or unintentionally viewed internet porn.
This article isn’t necessarily about porn and if it is good or bad, that is a personal decision and topic.
The problem I find with porn is that it provides a negative stereotyping for nudist.
You are important and valued! I don't know who or why, but someone needs to hear this. You are fucking important to this world and no matter what you are…
There are many health benefits of relaxing such as the reduction of stress, lowing your heart rate and blood pressure, increasing the blood flow to your major muscle groups, and…