Sexuality: What Does it Matter to You Anyways?

Ryan a military veteran nudist enjoying the view of downtown Spokane Washington from the historic Davenport hotel
Ryan enjoying the view from the Historic Davenport Hotel in downtown Spokane Washington

Sexuality: What Does it Matter to You Anyways?

It seems like more and more the headlines on Yahoo or Google (or any other site) is calling out a person for their sexuality. Whether an actor, politician, athlete or any celebrity for that fact it is like it is some huge ordeal which clouts their ability to perform. I just saw the other day an article about a mayor of a large city that was bisexual, and his wife put it best…is sexuality and what he likes is between me and him and our household. I think this has a lot to with the media campaign to divide us which you can read here

As a bisexual male, yes I am bi, yes I like men and women, I haven’t ever found out what the big deal is. Now 20 years ago, sure it was a big deal as I was pretty young and ignorant in my thoughts. The internet was somewhat newer, and I didn’t know how to navigate around it other than my email and favorite porn sites.  However, the older I grew, the more my mind changed. My sexuality changed.

Sexuality: What Does it Matter to You Anyways?

With this huge ordeal about a person being in the LGBTQI+ community and being publicly called out, along with all the hateful comments by nobodies that is associated with it, makes it difficult for lesbians, gays and bisexuals to feel comfortable about their sexual orientation. To make things worse, those that are questioning their orientation gets stuffed even deeper due to the fear of coming out, asking questions or looking things up on the internet for fear of being found out, then called out.

I think many of this comes from 3 types of people:

1. The “religious” closed minded person that uses their religion as a scape goat. However, one recent survey showed that 80% of church goers had viewed porn within that past month. Well, pretty sure that is a sin. (NOTE: I didn’t do much research into the type of survey so I don’t know how reliable it is to actually use is as a statistical foundation but it shows porn affects almost everyone).

2. Lesbian/gay/bi or curious person that is living in the closet and to maintain their cover, or out of anger and jealousy of others they speak out against others in a hateful way.

3. The straight person who doesn’t understand and probably always talks shit about others because they like to deflect their own issues on others.

While sexuality has nothing to do with nudism, I think the way that society deals with a person can affect their ability to try something that isn’t “normal”, or what the main stream person thinks is okay..and that we should all live the exact same way and somehow we will all get along.

To that I say screw you.

Be you. If you are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning I am proud of you and I support you 100%. If you are straight, I am proud of you and I support you 100%. And if you are a judgmental asshole that likes to degrade people out of your own ignorance…well…f*ck off you are on your own with me.

So in closing I will simply as the question again: sexuality, what does is matter to you anyways?

If you are struggling with your sexuality or you need to get it off your chest and feel like you have no one to tell, you can email me at and just say it (which can sometimes be the most rewarding thing to get it off your chest). There are zero judgements here.

While I tried to find a LGBT nudist website it was harder to locate, but here is a site for gay men that outlines a variety of places across the globe. Check it out here.

In your corner,


P.S. A good majority of people I know that are LGBT would give the shirt off their back to help a person out and not think twice about it.