I Believe in You: Nudist Blog [2023]


The other day I was looking for a topic to write about and when I was getting a massage yesterday, in a semi-mediative state thinking of it, the phrase “I believe in you” keep repeating itself. Almost as a sign that someone(s) reading this needs to hear the simple 4 word phrase: I believe in you.

Ryan, owner of Everyday Nudist, post massage therapy

You are not the sum of your past, current, or future mistakes (and yes you will make plenty of them).

You are stronger than you think, and have been told, and tell yourself in your head.

You are beautiful (both male and female) inside and out, no matter what you think when you look in the mirror, or compare yourself to in other people.

You are brilliant in your own right, even when you tell yourself you aren’t as smart as x. You do belong in the same room and space as them.

You are resilient and resourceful and even when times are tough you will find a way to make it.

You aren’t liked by everyone, and people will talk shit about you behind your back. That is okay because those people are jealous and wish they had the attributes which you possess. Besides, they are only reflecting their insecurities and personal misery they are living with and want you to join them. DON’T. You are way to f*cking good.

We have probably never met, but I don’t need to meet you to tell you what a special person you are and the light you bring to this universe.

So if you are feeling down, and your light is dim because you are always listening to others, or comparing yourself to the world: STOP.

Stop feeling like it is you verses the world. It isn’t. It is you vs. you.

Stop comparing yourself to others as you will never be them. You should never want to be them. You only know/see .000000000001% of their life and that is the “my life is amazing” persona they want you to believe.

Stop listening and reading comments of the ignorant assholes the surround us in a place they call the internet…and if this is you doing it to others: F*CKING STOP you are better than that. If you say “well I am just an asshole” no you aren’t. You aren’t born an asshole, you have deep rooted issues you need to address and I can tell you, once you do your life will be so much better.

Stop telling yourself you are ugly, fat, not perfect, no one “wants to see me”. There are thousands of us that really don’t care what you look like on the outside, we care about you. We want to see you. We want to get to know you. We want to hang out with you, naked or clothed.

The world has turned into a big fake comparison and if you let it, you will always feel like you are in 1,909th place out of 1,909 participants. F*ck that.

Just be yourself. If you don’t know who that is, keep soul searching. If you don’t like what you see in the mirror…change it. But only change it because you want to be a different person. You want to be better because you think you can do better, not because you want to be better than Sally or Jonny.

Live this life on your terms. Live life free and be your 7-year-old self that didn’t give a damn about anything but what made you happy. Get back to that place! Stop allowing fear to control you. Read my previous blog on Fear here!

As I close, I want to tell you with everything in my heart and soul, and with 100% honesty: I believe in you…now please, please, please, go believe in yourself.

In your corner,
