Paralysis by Analysis: Is What-If Stopping You

Is What-If stopping you, or are you an over analyzer?

Ryan, Everyday Nudist founder encouraging you to get nude with others

Do you find yourself needing all the details, or running a variety of “what-if” scenarios in your head before you make a decision?

I am betting if you do, you often find yourself in a state of paralysis, or inaction.

Am I correct?

If you are this way, don’t worry you aren’t the only one.

This is often the result of how you were raised, or by the people you hang out with.

However, living this way will often lead you down a course of constant paralysis.

The “What-If” Monster

“What-If” is one of the most powerful statements in your vocabulary. These simple two words, when combined, can (and will) shut down any action you want to take…if you allow it to.

As a matter of fact, it is so powerful, I am willing to bet it has stopped thousands of potential nudist from even trying. Hell, if you are a home nudist and have want to try social nudism, I am willing to bet these two words have kept you from even trying.

It is so powerful, it has its own special blog here on Everyday Nudist which you can read here.

What-if, as a stand alone statement isn’t all that bad; however, it is the statement that follows which ends up being the dream killer.

I will wage an assumption that for most of you reading this, your what-if is followed by a negative result.

“I really want to be a social nudist and meet others, but “what-if” I…know someone, people stare at my imperfections, I get an erection, people don’t like me…and the list goes on. So much so, any and every worst case scenario you will run through your head one at a time until you paralysis yourself with so much fear, you don’t do it, or at least try it once.

What very rarely ever happens is that you run a positive scenario. Something like:

“I really want to try social nudist and meet others, but “what-if”:

  – I run into someone I know, how cool would it be to have a friend as a nudist

  – Someone stares at my imperfections and it inspires them because they have them too (which we all do)

  – I get an erection and no one stares as me because they are a part of nature

  – People like for me who I am and not what I try to portray

Amazing what can happen if you add something positive at the end.

Control the monster

Ryan, nudist blogger enjoying some nude time at the hotel

As a Marine Corps Veteran, and one that spent most of my adult life in the protection of people and property from the evil that exists, I lived in the world of violent what-if’s.  So much so, it took a serious toll on my mental health.

However, now that I don’t do that I have made a serious commitment to saying “what-if it works”.

Or, on the hand, when someone says “well if you try it, what-if it doesn’t work”. My response, “well at least I tried”.

Most of don’t make life and death decisions on a daily, or constant basis.

Sure, we all make some tough, life affecting decisions. However, ask yourself “will I or anyone die from this decision?”

Probably not.

May you lose a money, friends, relationships…maybe. Maybe not.

I tried my hand at marriage: it failed 3 times (although I don’t count the first one)

I tried my hand at being a business owner: it failed.

However, I didn’t die. No one died.

As a matter of fact, I got remarried and I am glad I did. I didn’t allow my business failure to ruin me as I am taking all the failures and using them to start a non-profit that WILL be a success.

So what it boils down to, is that you tried. There are positive things to take away and use them in the future.

Trust me, you won’t live in regret if you try something. You will live in regret  if you over analyzed it and paralyzed yourself with fear and do nothing at all.

So go out there and just be yourself.

Follow what YOUR heart wants and not what everyone else thinks YOUR heart should be.

Just because they don’t, or won’t, do something doesn’t mean you don’t, or can’t.

Action for you to take

From here on out, every time the “what-if” monster shows up in your thoughts, I want to you to replace the “but” negative statement with a positive one.

Force yourself as it won’t be natural.

And if you are way into the rabbit hole of buts and what-if’s, stop yourself and simply say “the hell with it, I AM going to do it”.

If you start to do this, I will guarantee that YOU will see positive results in your life. Not every time, but I am willing to be a lot of the time. To learn some more valuable tips, check out this article “How to Beat ‘Analysis Paralysis’ and Make All the Decisions“.

So next time you want to go get naked with others and self-doubt creeps in, STOP, and come hang out naked with me.

In your corner,


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Jeremy Morris

    I like you blog I think your doing good thing

    1. everydaynudist

      Thank you I appreciate you taking the time to comment!

  2. NudistTerp

    The way I look at it is this: Will avoiding the social nudist event solve/fix the problem? Staying home will not make my spine less crooked, my ribs less flared, etc. The same problems will be there unchanged tomorrow morning whether I go to that nudist social tonight or not. Since that’s the case, why not go and have fun or have a new adventure if it’s your first time?
    Remember, it is ALWAYS ok to say to your ‘buts, what-ifs, & self doubts’, “I’m sorry. I have a social event to go to. You’re going to have to wait”.

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