Thanksgiving Blessings: Focusing on what you have

Everydaynudist owner/lead blogger Ryan and his beautiful wife Jessica celebrating their 2 year anniversary in November, 2020.

Thanksgiving blessings. This is a blog I felt like writing because, if you are like me, 2020 has left us ungrateful, or at least, distracted from life’s blessings.

Sure everyday I give some thanks for decent health, my family, a roof over my head and food to eat. The standard things most of us take for granted. However, on Thanksgiving I really sat down to reflect on all the things I am grateful to have.

I am grateful for my beautiful wife Jessica who supports me through thick and thin (and trust me she puts up with a lot) and her encouraging me to start this blog and follow our goals and dreams together. For my kids and their health and love, my family and grandparents who are in their 90’s and overcame COVID (although with great impact to their overall health). I am grateful for the few close friends that I can count on for anything I need. I am grateful for what the future holds for our family.

I am thankful for all of you that take time to read my posts as I know there is a ton of words all over the internet that you could take time to read.

I write this blog more for myself as a reminder that I need to focus on what is important and not the background noise that is bringing me down. To not worry about “what if” and go down the rabbit hole of thoughts that ruin a day or night. A reminder to slow down and relax and live a life worth living and not a life worth worrying, frustrated or angry.

I know Thanksgiving is primarily a U.S. holiday, however, I would invite you to sit down and really think about what you are grateful for….and there is plenty if you simply look around and focus on what you “do have” and not what you “don’t have”.

Do you struggle with being grateful? Take a minute to read “Why Is Gratitude So Hard for Some People?” from Berkeley.Edu. Click here for the article.

Feel free to comment below on what you are thankful for.

Many blessings and much love,
