Welcome to Everyday Nudist: Come on in and relax.

A blog about nudism and everyday life topics

Ryan, owner/author of everydaynudist.com and his beautiful wife Jessica.

Welcome to everyday nudist, slip into something comfortable and come on in, we are glad you are here!

About me:

My name is Ryan and I am a father, husband and service-connected disabled Marine Corps veteran. I served from 1995-2002 and when I ended my active service, I worked for the Department of Defense in many different compacities from 2004-2018. In 2018 I resigned from government work, focused on my business teaching self-defense, workplace violence and active shooter response until 2019. I recently graduated in June 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in Applied Developmental Psychology. We currently live in the Spokane Washington area.


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Nudism to Reduce Anxiety and Hypervigilience

Can being nude help reduce your anxiety and hypervigiliance?

Nudism to Reduce Anxiety

In a recent blog (seen here) I wrote about the importance of mental health and my life dealing with depression and anxiety. The previous post was about depression, this one I will address how I use nudism to reduce anxiety and calm my inner thoughts and hypervigiliance.

For many non-nudist reading this, the thought of being naked around others probably just increased your own anxiety level. It can be scary at first as there is a ton of thoughts that race through your mind, which then create fear. Fear of the unknown then drives anxiety. It is a vicious circle. In short: fear can cause anxiety and anxiety can cause fear.   


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Medical Marijuana and Nudism

Enjoying the benefits of nudity and marijuana
Ryan, a nudist blogger in Spokane with his cartridge of THC. In Washington, marijuana is legal for medical and recreational use.

Medical Marijuana and Nudism

What does medical marijuana and nudism have in common? They are both good for your soul, spirit, and pain management (in my humble opinion). Relaxation, stress relief, and all natural are three main components of both.

Marijuana users carry around a stigma much like being a nudist does. Many people don’t understand it; therefore, they just simply label people as “stoners” and all they want to do is get high. While that is true for many, marijuana also possess many medical benefits that now being researched more.


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Is it Awkward Seeing Your Friends Naked?

Ryan, owner/blogger of everydaynudist.com sitting on his bed in Spokane Washington.

Seeing your friends naked, why can it be so awkward or “taboo”?

It is because we are friends? Or is it because we are embarrassed to see or be seen naked due to our personal body image? Maybe because seeing our friends naked may be somewhat of a turn on, or we have secretly envisioned what they would look like naked and know we know? What happens if I get turned on masturbate to thought of them naked, does that make a bad person? Will the next time I see them, be awkward because you now know what they look like underneath all those layers of clothes?


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Free the Nipple.

It is time for true women’s equality.

Free the Nipple. It is time for true women’s equality.

*WARNING: This post contains strong language so if you are sensitive to 4 letter words you should probably go on to another post*

This question has been asked thousands of times and there has never really been a solid answer that makes since to me. Why can’t women go around topless? Why do women get discriminated against, or cat called or shamed if they opt to go braless in public? Why are other women so damn degrading to each other, even when it comes to breastfeeding in public?

The problem, in my humble opinion, is that we (as a society at least in the U.S.) haven’t #normalizednudity. Nudity has always been associated with sex; therefore, if a woman chooses to go topless, it is a sign of sexual intent to any man walking by. Ultimately, leading them to make a rude ass comment.


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Time to Increase Your Vitamin D

Even as a nudist you need to increase your Vitamin D levels.

Ryan from everydaynudist.com and his Vitamin D pills
Ryan, owner/blogger of everydaynudist.com with this vitamin D pills (note: not an endorsement of this company).

Time to Increase Your Vitamin D

Vitamin D. Are you low and don’t know it? It may be time to increase your levels.

Winter is upon us here in the U.S. (and many parts of the world) and one of the things I think a lot of people often overlook (or at least Jess and I do) is our Vitamin D intake and levels.

Here in Spokane WA we average only 171 days of sun shine (U.S. avg is 205) and get 48” of snow (U.S. avg is 24) so there is plenty of time spend away from the natural generator…the beautiful sun.

The reason I am writing this is because Jess just got her blood test back and her D level is a way low, and it reminded me of how mine was two years ago which was even lower than hers. I figured if ours is low, yours might be as well.

Symptoms of low levels


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Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

Do You Suffer from Seasonal depression, symptoms, treatments

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), the short duration depression that can ruin a holiday season.

As a person that suffers from depression and anxiety year round, I often find myself with a little extra struggle during the winter months. During these months I often feel tired, lethargic, and have a lack of motivation to do anything productive. I often blame it on the short days, and it being dark what seems like all the time. In short, it takes what little bit of energy I have to do anything extra.

Does this sound like you? Do you feel like this during the winter months? Maybe, you do good in the winter but when summer comes you get in a “slump”.

If so, you may be suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

Don’t worry, you aren’t alone. According to the Cleveland Clinic,


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Blog Highlight: Margret Albaugh

Award winning photographer, blogger, advocate

Award winning photographer and blogger Margret Albaugh

Blog Highlight: Margret Albaugh

I decided that I want to start doing some blog highlights that are both inside and outside of the nudist community. I will pick some that provide some great information (outside of mine expert home opinions 😊), are thought provoking, are vulnerable, or simply those that have not only talented people, but good and kind people.

For this first edition, I chose to pick the blog of Margret Albaugh. She is lives in Spokane and is a wife, mother, and award-winning photographer. She is not only talented behind the lens of her camera, but her blogs are well written, thought provoking, and at times very vulnerable. Furthermore, she is an advocate, and amazing storyteller and does a wonderful job highlighting some of the amazing women owned businesses here in Spokane Washington.


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The “What If” of Nudism

“What If” Will Hold You Back in Life. Read How You can Change the Conversation

Everydaynudist.com owner, and blogger, Ryan enjoying a cup of coffee by the fireplace at Squaw Mountain Nudist Resort in Oregon

The “What If” of Nudism.

What if? Two powerful words that we constantly ask ourselves and as a result, holds us back from doing many things in life.

I wonder if you counted the below statement, how many times a day you think or say these:

But What if I fail?

I am not sure, What if I don’t get it?

We can try, but What if it doesn’t work?

I don’t know if I want to ask them, What if they say no?

The Nudist What If’s


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