Everydaynudist owner/lead blogger Ryan and his beautiful wife Jessica celebrating their 2 year anniversary in November, 2020.
Thanksgiving blessings. This is a blog I felt like writing because, if you are like me, 2020 has left us ungrateful, or at least, distracted from life’s blessings.
Sure everyday I give some thanks for decent health, my family, a roof over my head and food to eat. The standard things most of us take for granted. However, on Thanksgiving I really sat down to reflect on all the things I am grateful to have.
"P" doing his best nudist dressed -undressedDressed-Undressed from one of our loyal readers and subscribers. This is a nudist dressed-undressed collage from one of our readers and subscribers. About "P."…
Two very different Ryan’s on Veterans Day. Ryan, on the right, pictured in uniform during his company change of command at Camp LeJeune NC, circa 2001. On the left, just one paddle that he painted and hand carved, although not fully complete in this picture and upside down.
Veteran’s Day
Happy Veteran’s Day to all veterans who read this, as well as happy belated birthday to our United States Marine readers. Veteran’s day means something different to each veteran and below are some of my thoughts.
As a veteran of the United States Marine Corps I never really got into Veterans Day until I became older. I still struggle at times getting a free meal or a thank you for your service. There are many reasons for this but as I grow older I become more accepting of it…and yes if you want to offer me a free meal I will surely eat it and not argue over it.
Fella’s this blog is for you and ladies you can read and if need be encouraging your men to seek help. While not “nudist”, this is something can affect many areas of your life and not just your sexual relationships.
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) affects about 5% of men over 40 and the numbers increase as you get older. However, if you have certain medical conditions it can occur much earlier in life.
Like me for example. I am currently 44 and was diagnosed for ED about 10 years ago due to a low back injury I received while in the Marine Corps. Now I say diagnosed, verses I got it, because I had it for probably 3-4 years before I talked to my doctor about it. For those 3-4 years I didn’t struggle with getting and erection, I struggled with keeping it.
The tail of two different nudist: first time vs. experienced
First Time Nudist
Experienced Nudist
The various nudist stages
This set of pictures so the tail of two worlds. Your first time nudist in front of others, and many time nudist, or if you have done it quite a few times.
It is normal to feel nervous when getting naked in front of strangers, or for some, getting naked around friends and people you know.
Hell, I have been in the nudist world for over 20 years and I still get butterflies when we roll up to a nudist event or resort. But don’t worry it usually goes away pretty quickly and the feeling switches to one of relief and feeling the stress melt.
So if you are putting off trying out a nudist event because you are scared, nervous, our couldn’t to do it, trust me when I say…it really isn’t that bad and believe it or not, no one is waiting on you to walk up and they will hold up a score sign with a number ranging from 1-10.
The various nudist stages
Here is how it will go down, or has for my hundreds of nudist beach, events, and resort attendance:
Today, 23 September, is National Bisexual Awareness Day so to all my fellow bisexual’s out there I would like to say I am proud of you for being you.
Bisexual’s are often one of the misfits in the LGBT+ community. We are often labeled as “confused” or “in a phase” and somehow we are diminished or people want us to “pick a team”. To those I say, I have picked a team and it is coed. I am in the longest phase of my life which is about 20 years and can say I am proud to be who I am today…a married, nudist, bisexual, father and veteran.
Ryan enjoying the view from the Historic Davenport Hotel in downtown Spokane Washington
Sexuality: What Does it Matter to You Anyways?
It seems like more and more the headlines on Yahoo or Google (or any other site) is calling out a person for their sexuality. Whether an actor, politician, athlete or any celebrity for that fact it is like it is some huge ordeal which clouts their ability to perform. I just saw the other day an article about a mayor of a large city that was bisexual, and his wife put it best…is sexuality and what he likes is between me and him and our household. I think this has a lot to with the media campaign to divide us which you can read here
As a bisexual male, yes I am bi, yes I like men and women, I haven’t ever found out what the big deal is. Now 20 years ago, sure it was a big deal as I was pretty young and ignorant in my thoughts. The internet was somewhat newer, and I didn’t know how to navigate around it other than my email and favorite porn sites. However, the older I grew, the more my mind changed. My sexuality changed.
Remaining aware of your surroundings can give you just enough time to react faster.
Learn nudist safety tips from Ryan, a Marine Corps veteran, self-defense expert, nudist, and founder/author of Everyday Nudist
Nudist Safety Tip: Situational Awareness
Not only am I a nudist, I also happen to be a Marine Corps veteran, Marine Corps Martial Arts/Close Combat Instructor, taught unarmed self-defense, spent over 9 years in the Anti-Terrorism community, and owned a business teaching self-defense, workplace violence and active shooter response. With all of this experience and knowledge I felt it is vital to share it in a new Nudist Safety Tip Series.
This series will be crafted to provide information that will not only help you in a nudist environment, but your everyday life (especially with the instability of many cities throughout the U.S. and across the globe). Whether in Spokane Washington or Los Angeles California, it is important to have a sold foundation of safety. I would encourage both men and women to read this, and most importantly teenagers so they can establish a solid foundation early.
Violence can occur to anyone at anytime. You are not immune, I am not immune. Whether at a store or a nudist resort, violence can occur with little to no warning.
A good majority of the time I hear women say they are not confident enough in their bodies (weight, breast size, stretch marks, etc.) to go naked in front of other people. This is understandable and I don’t blame you, hell, society has told you and shown you this since you were a child.
However, women aren’t the only ones that face this type of confidence issues…men face them as well.