Slow Down the Morning Rat Race

Slow Down the Morning Rat Race.

If you are anything like me you probably get up in the morning, make a pot of coffee and then start checking emails or thinking about work or what your to-do list is for the day.

Although I try to slow down, over the past 25 years this has become the norm and is something I don’t think of until mid morning, after the fact.

One thing I have really tried to do as of late is to get up, make a pot of coffee and then take some time to slow down, reflect, or just look around and be grateful for the things I have in life, and then picture my future. One thing I have worked hard at is to not spend time focusing on the things I don’t have.

What is your morning routine? Do you open your eyes and immediately shift into third gear and go, or do you take time to set your morning in motion with something positive, and low stress. This could be mediation, yoga, stretching, or just sitting around in peace and quiet.

If you are on the go from the time you wake up until the time you go to bed you will wear yourself out mentally and physically.

There is no extra hours in the day for you to find. You must make time for your and your health.

Here is a great article from the Huffington Post titled Morning Rush: Why Slowing Down Your Wake-Up Routine Makes All The Difference. Check it out here.

So are you ready to slow down the morning rat race and and put you at the top of the priority list today. It will take time to get used to as we are programed to get up and start our day and think of ourselves later on. Change the habit and remember that you are important.

In your corner,
