Thank You for a Great Nudist Year

You are the most amazing nudist and non nudist friends a blogger could ask for.

Thank you!

I wanted to take a quick moment to simply say THANK YOU for taking the time to read through my blogs. My sincere hope is that it is well worth your time and one that you have (or will) subscribe to and get updates as I continue to write.

My 2020 year in review stats popped up and I can’t believe that since March I have had 884 amazing guests from 41 countries stop by and take a look!

My hope is that some of the writings thus far have not only encouraged you in the nudist arena, but life in general. Sometimes I will write on nudist specific events like my first visit (see here), or what to expect the first time you do it public (see here); however, I also enjoy writing on a variety of things such as mindset, fear, and health.

The end goal of this blog is to make you think, smile, laugh, increase your confidence and awareness, and just simply take action. I am not talking about just becoming a nudist, but take action in many areas of your life.

It doesn’t matter to me or the world if you ever become a nudist, that is a personal decision and for some that will be a forever fuck no; ultimately, I want you to truly take decisive action on things you have been putting off, or talking yourself out of.

To think this blog all started from a conversation with Jessica about how many things I had in my head about life and being a nudist and she said, “well you should start a blog then” so I did and now to see how many visitors across the globe I have had in just 8 months warms my heart.

So to you amazing and wonderful humans I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart and I look forward to more writings in 2021 as my list continues to grow!

If you have a topic you are interested in feel free to drop it in the comments below or email me at and let me know and I will see what I can do.

I would love to add you to my visitor photos so if you are interested, now is the time to drop your fear and email me a picture(s). Pretty positive people are getting tired of seeing me naked so I need so other amazing souls to highlight. You can ask me (or do it yourself) to blur out your face, or leave it as it. You will remain anonymous unless you want me to give your first name and location.

So time to stuff the “what if” fear story you have about not being “good looking” enough or you can’t because you “put on some extra COVID weight” and need to drop some of it, or that “my penis is to small” and that “no one wants to see me anyway” excuse because it is all bullshit! Let’s roll!!!

Also, please subscribe and get notified when a new blog post is dropped. Be the first to know today.

Lastly, I hope to get out and spend more time nude with others so if you are in the Spokane, Eastern Washington or northern Idaho area send me an email and maybe we can link up and hang out one day.

This is your year to take to control and commit to anything in life you always wanted to do but talked yourself out of.

Thank you,
