The Various Nudist Stages You Will See
The tail of two different nudist: first time vs. experienced
First Time Nudist Experienced Nudist
The various nudist stages
This set of pictures so the tail of two worlds. Your first time nudist in front of others, and many time nudist, or if you have done it quite a few times.
It is normal to feel nervous when getting naked in front of strangers, or for some, getting naked around friends and people you know.
Hell, I have been in the nudist world for over 20 years and I still get butterflies when we roll up to a nudist event or resort. But don’t worry it usually goes away pretty quickly and the feeling switches to one of relief and feeling the stress melt.
So if you are putting off trying out a nudist event because you are scared, nervous, our couldn’t to do it, trust me when I say…it really isn’t that bad and believe it or not, no one is waiting on you to walk up and they will hold up a score sign with a number ranging from 1-10.
The various nudist stages
Here is how it will go down, or has for my hundreds of nudist beach, events, and resort attendance: