Nudist and Disabilities

Ryan, owner/blogger of Everyday Nudist post massage for pain management.

Do you have a disability that is keeping you from enjoying the nudist lifestyle?

Maybe you are a home nudist but feel like you can’t try out the social nudist scene because everyone will stare and judge you. This can result in fear which can stop you in your tracks.

Looking to overcome fear, check out this past blog I wrote on just that topic!

Well as a man with many different disabilities I am here to tell you: don’t allow them to hold you back.

For some, your disabilities are visual and can be seen on the outside. Ultimately, can feel like they are amplified and twice as large.

On the other hand, for many, your disabilities can’t be seen from the outside; however, it feels like people can see right through you.

I have met a ton of people with both, and what I can tell you is that no one really cares. If they do care, they don’t say it out loud and will (for the most part) treat you with respect. I say for the most part as nudist are humans, and well, some humans are assholes regardless of their dress status.

This results in an already uphill battle for many nudists that have body image issues.

But if I can offer you one piece of motivational advice, we (as a nudist community) accept you JUST THE WAY YOU ARE.

So please don’t allow your disabilities to stop you from the freedom that the lifestyle offers.

In your corner,


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. nudistterp

    The nudist groups I belong to have people with orthopedic issues, people in wheelchairs, people missing limbs, people with prostheses, people with braces, etc. and nobody cares.

    1. everydaynudist

      That is awesome and great to see they are out doing it! Truly heart warming thanks for sharing.

  2. Mark Baer

    Being someone who has some issues… Scholiosis, which causes me to lean… And has left me with a long scar on my back… It’s actually freeing to be where my body is just what it is. I talked about with a few people at the nude resort…. But it was just an easy conversation. Never any judgement… It was nice.

    1. everydaynudist

      Most of us have issues on the inside, however we feel like people can see right through us. Your scar isn’t something small but most people are more curious on how you have a whole spine zipper than they are “what is wrong with you”. Thanks for sharing.

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