
Have you ever noticed in our society everyone has a label? This label helps to fit them in a perfect little box, so everyone knows just how to quietly judge them.

Whether it is your sexuality, relationship status, race/ethnicity, financial status, education level, religious choosing, political affiliation or any one of the varieties of lifestyle choices you make.

Everything must have a label. Without it, we often seek to find out what it is.

Stop and think about it for a second. How many friends, associates, loved ones or partners do you have a label for? Probably most of them.

The problem with labels and making such a big deal out of them is that it doesn’t allow someone to live the life they want. For many, people’s judgements against them is a big thing. So, they hide different areas of their lives in hopes that many of the people they associate with will think they are “normal”.

It sucks when you must live like this.

Your desire for more gets burnt out. Your curiosity to try things you have wanted to try either gets put in a box on a shelf and never tried, or if you do try it and like it, you feel like you can’t tell anyone..because….well, you now have a new label.

One of those labels that still carries a stigma is being a nudist. I can’t tell you how many nudist that I have met over the years that live such a secretive lifestyle.

On the other hand, I have met a good number of people that would love to try it but won’t (or are gun shy to try) because what if someone found out, or they run into someone they know.

I think the biggest issue is a false perception and stigma that (like a previous post) nudist are swingers. Then it builds because there is a perception that nudist women and men are all supermodels and they aren’t “that good looking” (hence my previous blog posts before)

I would encourage you to not allow a label to hold you back from living the way you want to live.

I enjoy living the life I live, even if people are going to label me.

So If you are curious about things in life, they them out. If you like them, well, add a label to your list!

Hope to hang nude soon,