Emma Thompson in “Good Luck to You, Leo Grande”

I stumbled across this article that a friend of my posted on her Facebook page and I knew right away from skimming it I was going to write about it as there is so much valuable information in it.

From a quick glance it would appear that this is an article on the just released movie Good Luck to you Leo Grande about a middle-aged woman who has never had an orgasm and hires a sex worker to expand her horizons.

However, read a little deeper and you will find so many golden nuggets that a majority of first time nudist face when stripping down in front of others.

While this was filmed during the COVID lockdown, Emma Thompson, admits she didn’t have time to lose 20 lbs before getting naked in front of her co-actor, a young and in shape Daryl McCormack. However, she didn’t shy away, nor put off the role because she “wasn’t in good enough shape”.

To ease some of the awkwardness, the director Sophie Hyde had both Emma Thompson and Daryl McCormack strip down naked (her included), as they talked about what they liked and didn’t like about their bodies.

According to Thompson, “I had a much longer list of dislikes than either of them. But in the end, it just reminded me of how leveling and also elevating being nude with people can be. It’s easier to be honest when there’s literally nothing to hide, and it’s unavoidably humbling. And after that, there’s nothing much to fear.”

How powerful is that? This isn’t something new you will hear or have read from me about the power of getting naked in a non-sexual setting in front of others.

Sure, it is awkward at first but that quickly goes away when you realize it isn’t sexual. Most people settle in fairly quickly and soon, believe it or not, you don’t really pay attention to being naked. You are just…well naked.

It is humbling, and vulnerable when you are nude with others as you have nothing to hide.

Ryan and Jessica at the skinny dipping event held at Kanisku Family Nudist Resort

All of those personal insecurities are out on display for everyone to see and judge.

But, like you, everyone else is putting all of their insecurities on display for your to judge.

However, this sense of nudeness brings a bond and friendship that can’t be found at a Holiday Inn swimming pool, or even a backyard pool where you are wearing suits.

I really enjoy the very last part of the statement where she says “and after that there’s nothing much to fear”. Fear is what keeps you from going and trying.

I watched the movie and won’t give you any spoilers, however, it is great to see the transition from someone (Emma Thompson) who finds everything wrong with her body and in the end can stand naked in front of the mirror and smile.

I think all to often I have talked to people that has seen a significant increase in self-esteem once they try social nudism. Not because they went out and got in shape, but for many, they have began to accept them for they are, and not what they look like!

So my question to you is: what is keeping you from getting naked in front of others?

Ryan a Marine Corps veteran sitting on the edge of his bed with no pants on showing his favorite tee shirt

Hopefully one day we can shed our clothes and inhibitions and truly hang out together in our most natural form.

Don’t know how to “start” to be a nudist? No worries, check out this previous blog I wrote to send you on your way!

In your corner,
