Celebrating Pride Month Nudist Style

Have Pride and Be Proud of Who You Are in not only pride month, but every month!

Ryan, Marine Corps veteran and owner/blogger/nudist in Spokane Washington

Pride month

With June being Pride month, I wanted to drop in with a quick message to those that are in the LGBTQI+ community and let you know I am proud of you.

While it may seem easy to be in the LGBT community it really isn’t. There are factors that go against a person which causes a lot of shame, angst, and stress. While many in the world are becoming more accepting, there are still assholes that think something is wrong with us.

Hell, bisexuals are the bastard child of the community as they not only face potential ridicule from those in the heterosexual community, but those in the LGBTQI+ community as well.

While “straight” people can go as they please, those in the LGTQI+ community can’t. Most aren’t welcome into churches, don’t have support within their own family, their “friends” ignore them, they face discrimination in the workplace, community, and even the health care system. This forces a person to live a double life to hide who they truly are and want to be.

Why it is hard to live openly

According to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, research suggests that the LGBT community faces health disparities linked to societal stigma, discrimination, and denial of their civil and human rights.  The article further states that discrimination against LGBT persons has been associated with: high rates of psychiatric disorders, substance abuse, and suicide…(to read the full article click here).

Suicide and substance abuse rates for LGBT teens are higher than the national average. According to Youth.gov, suicide is the third leading cause of death among youth ages 15-24 and are more likely to attempt suicide than their peers.

So, for all those in the LGBT community that are reading, just know I stand beside you and I am proud of you, whether you give yourself a label or not.

For those of you who have been curious about the same sex but always felt ashamed, or guilty. DON’T. I would ask you to consider trying it out, or looking into a little more. There is nothing wrong with you or  it in my humble opinion. I am sure there are many reading this that would say different; however, it is their opinion. What it all boils down to is simple. It is your life and you are in charge of your own happiness.

To read about my story and being bisexual click here.

Stay proud!


Your everyday nudist, Spokane Washington

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Rich

    Thank you for this post! I didn’t come out completely until I was in my mid 40s. It was, ultimately, an effortless experience, as many friends and family already knew and were waiting, patiently, for me to acknowledge it. Ironically, I am more guarded in revealing my naturist lifestyle than I was to come out as gay.

    1. everydaynudist

      Thanks for your response and comment I appreciate it and that is awesome that you were able to come out and get the support of friends and family. It doesn’t matter when you did, it is just great you are able to live the real you and not one that “everyone” thinks you should be like.

  2. nekkidboi

    Thank you for putting this out there! I didn’t come out until I was in my mid 40s. I discovered that my family and friends already knew and were patiently waiting on me to acknowledge it. Now that I have wholeheartedly embraced naturism it’s ironic because I find it actually more difficult to acknowledge that I enjoy 24/7 nudity. So far I’ve come out as a naturist to 4 friends, all of whom have seen me without clothes and are tolerant and supportive of my choice. I admire you because you are owning both your bisexuality and your nudism. Awesome!

    1. everydaynudist

      That is awesome and I think people are going to judge you clothed or nudist so why not enjoy life on your terms. Not a lot of my friends know I am a nudist but some due and most of the time when I tell them it becomes an educational session on what it is like and not what they portray it to be in their head. Thanks for the comment I appreciate it!


        I hadn’t really thought about it that way. I’ve discovered that when I am relaxed and in my natural state that I am relaying a positive message to others that there is nothing prurient or obscene about the unclothed human body and that it is healthy, both physically and emotionally. Going forward I hope I can lead by example.

        1. everydaynudist

          Being in a natural state is very relaxing, at least to me. To newer folks it can actually be a huge stressor but I think overtime it becomes less of a big deal and moore of a fun thing to do. I will do a blog later on about nudism and self-esteem and but yes keep on doing it and others do take note.

  3. Robert Payne

    It is important, but not easy, to distinguish between what others want you to be and what you want to be. You are right that being Bisexual is leaves one in the middle haze of uncertainty where neither side wants you and expect you to join them completely. But, if Alexander The Great can be comfortable with his Bisexuality and do what he did, I think it is just as possible for anyone to be who they are with no remorse.

    1. everydaynudist

      Thanks for the comment and I agree that is possible for anyone and everyone and they can truly be them. I think it is important to live life how you want to and if you lose friends or family along the way so be it, they weren’t true to you in the first place.

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