What Would Your World Look Like if You Unlearned Things You Were Taught, Including Nudity

Ryan a military veteran nudist enjoying the view of downtown Spokane Washington from the historic Davenport hotel
Ryan, founder and blogger of Everyday Nudist

Nudity, unlearn what you were taught.

So I saw a post on one of the many social media sites about unlearning things you had been taught in school.

Then it got me thinking, what would your world look like if you unlearned the things you were taught.

I mean think about this, most of your thoughts and opinions on things are based on the thoughts and opinions of others. Even in school subjects, your “education” was the beliefs and others, who were taught by someone else. Religion, well you are being taught by someone’s interpretation of the bible and what they were taught in school.

Here is a article in Forbes, what while is business related, can easily be transitioned into many parts of your life.

Unlearning thoughts on sexuality

Ryan the author of every day nudist sitting on the edge of his bed enjoying the nudist lifestyle.
Ryan Marine Corps veteran nudist

Being anything other than heterosexual is also at the top of the no no list. I mean come one, it is just a phase you are going through right? You really don’t like the opposite sex because the bible says, your grandmother said, society says…it is wrong and disgusting.

Well, now is a great time to unlearn that you don’t need to listen, or receive validation, from ANYONE when it comes to your personal feelings and self-satisfaction.

After all, it is your life and you are responsible for your own happiness and satisfaction. No one, and I mean NO ONE can bring that to you except yourself.

Unlearning thoughts on nudity

Think about your thoughts on nudity. They were probably along the lines of “being naked in front of others is bad”, “you should only show your body to your spouse”, “getting naked leads to sex”…and the list goes on and on.

In short, being naked, is well, just being naked?

This is especially more prone in women as they were growing up.

Cover you body and look and act a certain way of you would get slut shamed.

Fit a certain image (Vogue Cover Model, or in today’s society of easy to access porn) or you are ugly and no one wants to look at you.

Think about how this affects the mental psych of a woman, or even a man.

It is no wonder that people who aren’t cover model material (which is 99% of us) are hesitant to even try nudism. I mean come on “who would want to look at me, I am …(add what ever imperfections here)”.

Here is something I want you to unlearn from this blog.

“Nudity unlearn what you were taught” starts with fear management

First and foremost, read the saying on the shirt.

You must control the fear that is driven by others, then you can learn to move on.

Nudity isn’t bad.

Nudity is normal and there is no need to be embarrassed or ashamed of who you are.

In the nudist community, we act a lot different than society. To read my previous blog on internet vs. real nudist click here.

We, a community of like minded people, want you EXACTLY how you are today! We don’t want you to lose 40 lbs. before you join us. There is no interest in waiting for you to get a tan before you show up.

These thoughts are normal because it was what you have been told your entire life. You don’t even sit down and think about these logically before that rejection thought immediately surfaces and controls the narrative of internal conversation .

I am here to tell you, it is time to start unlearning things you were taught and be one of the most dangerous humans on the planet: an open minded, free-thinker, that isn’t dissuaded by the news or political beliefs/parties.

What areas of your life do you need to spend some time unlearning?

In your corner,


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Joe Jovanovich

    Good one! We are all fed such copious amounts of fears, hypocrisy and bullshit that unlearning all the twisted, controlling influences will probably take most of us the rest of our lives to unlearn!

    1. everydaynudist

      Well we learn from others influence and I think as we get older and open our minds we see it may not just be the right thing. We all have bias and personal opinions, however, some treat them as fact and if we are closed minded we accept those as fact ourselves.

  2. Nudist Terp

    What areas? Damn near all of them! By the time I finished middle school I’d realized that the parental units were not qualified to teach/model certain areas of life. The older I got the more such areas I realized there were and that I was better off finding my own way.

    I think a major factor in starting to unlearn was realizing that the goal of the ‘right thing’ was a moving target. I could do everything I was supposed to do and follow everything I was taught and I would still never actually arrive and be able to relax. It was an impossible task. At some point later I realized that since I’m going to be labelled ‘wrong’ no matter what I do, I might as well be wrong in a way that makes me happy. It’s well worth the effort.

    1. everydaynudist

      “I realized that since I’m going to be labelled ‘wrong’ no matter what I do, I might as well be wrong in a way that makes me happy” bingo, you are the life winner!

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