Change, The Serenity Prayer and Nudism

Change, The Serenity Prayer and Nudism. You have probably heard the Serenity Prayer at some point in your life. Heck, you may have said it a time or 100. It goes like this:

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

“Accept the thing I cannot change” is much easier said than done. This isn’t something you can wake up one day and just do.

Personally, I am a fixer so it is hard for me to just accept many of the things that I can’t change, without wanting to jump in and try to change them. However, on the other hand, over time and work I have become very accepting of a lot of things I cannot change and don’t pay them any mind.

No Win Conversations

For example, I don’t get into political conversations as this is something I cannot change. Let’s be honest, here in the United States who I vote for, and who you vote for will not make a difference in the scheme of things. So why do we argue and lose friendships over things we can’t change, or even make a difference in? Why do we send our blood pressure through the roof and then stew on what was said for hours (well if you are like me it is hours) for something that we can’t even affect?

Another is religion. Religion is based on theology, and theology is interpretation and beliefs. I mean I have spend a lot of hours of my life in the church, but shouldn’t it be the exact same message if 4 different pastors are reading the exact same verse? Anyway, we often get into arguments over religion because it comes down to our beliefs, or to be honest, how someone was “taught” that it is to be interpreted. So we often get into heated arguments, and lose friendships, simply trying to change some else’s opinions.  For what?  So, they can see things the same way we see them?

This can be said about gun control, global warming, the economy, vaccines and the list goes on.  People will always find the information that supports their way of thinking…or if someone is a die-hard political person, they will find what supports their “party lines” no matter how ridiculous it may be.

Nudism Conversation

As nudists, we want everyone we know (okay not everyone, but most of the people) to experience and enjoy what nudism has to offer. I know I do. Hell, that is part of the reason of this blog site! But I used to spend so much energy trying to change people’s minds about nudism. Now, I will talk to them about the positives of it, dispel any myths they have heard or the stories in their minds they make up, and encourage them to at least try it at home and move along. Then I sit back and wait and if they try and rave about it, I simply smile and welcome them to the community. If they are a “I could/would never do it”, I just move along about my day.

This brings me full circle back to accepting the things you cannot change. One of biggest ones you can work on is accepting the thoughts that people have about you, both positive and negative.

Focusing on You

Many people work so hard to try to get people to like them that they will change who they are. Some people have 10 different versions of themselves to fit into the groups that they want to be a part of. My question is why?

Why would you want to live multiple lives to impress people that don’t mean squat in the grand scheme of things? Why not live a true you and find those that support you for exactly who you are, in the space you are in?

Those are the people you want in your corner and your tribe.

If you are struggling with being who you are, check out this previous blog “Nudist Step Out From Behind Your Mask: Be Proud of Who You Are

Social Media

Social media has done several things in a positive manner. It allows us to connect with people we haven’t seen in forever, learn new things, and even enjoy shopping from small businesses.

Also, it has turned us into a “like” machine. How many friends/followers can we amass. How do I need to portray myself to get as many likes as possible. I can’t fully live my life how I want to because people will judge and may “unfriend” me or think negatively about me so I will keep posting a side of me that is bullshit.

So I would ask you to consider that you start to pay conscious attention to your actions and how much time and effort you spend trying to change peoples thoughts towards you.

If you want to look good naked then workout and do it for yourself, don’t do it so others will think nice things about you for a few minutes.

Don’t want people to think you aren’t an asshole, then spend time working on the deep-rooted issues that really need to be worked on so you can actually live a better life.

If you want people to think you have a lot of money because you are broke buying expensive ass things to impress people that don’t even matter, get a second/third job, climb out of debt and buy them in cash.


Bottom-line is simple: stop caring so much about other people’s thoughts and opinions about you (and many other topics listed above) and start to work on your and your life, joy, happiness and stress-reduced life. Believe me when I tell you, you will feel a hole lot better!

In your corner,


This Post Has One Comment

  1. nudistterp

    “Accept the things I cannot change” That’s harder than everything else combined. I was raised that if I led a horse to water and he didn’t drink, the ONLY possible reason is that I didn’t properly explain the benefits of water. I. E. It’s always my fault all the time. Fast forward several decades and I know that was never the real world…. But the programming is hard to get rid of. The hardest for me is when the thing is objective/provable. I was in Europe with an ex who thought I was lonely tunes that adapters and converters were two different things. Well, she took her 120v curling iron, plugged it into the wall with 240v using an adapter but no converter. Then she was surprised when her hair started to melt. The surprise for me was that the curling iron didn’t catch on fire. Guess what? She explained it away and still insisted I was wrong, lol. I had to step away.

    Recognizing when I can’t change something is an ongoing challenge. Resisting the urge to try to change something is harder still… even when I intellectually know it’s a waste of time. I’m a work in progress.

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